高分子 Vol.64 No.9
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特集 超解像蛍光顕微鏡と高分子
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
Photoswitchable Fluorescent Proteins for PALM: Molecular Basis and Tips for Labeling
水野 秀昭
Hideaki MIZUNO
<要旨> 蛍光タンパク質は生細胞内で非侵襲的に分子を標識するツールである。光スイッチング蛍光タンパク質の発見により、その応用範囲は分子トラッキングや顕微鏡上でのハイライティングに広がり、また光スイッチング蛍光タンパク質はPALMの開発にも貢献した。本稿ではPALMに用いられる光スイッチング蛍光タンパク質について概説する。
Keywords: Photoswitchable Fluroescent Protein / Super-Resolution Microscopy / PALM

Super-Resolution Localization Microscopy Reveals Nanoscale Dynamics of Polymers and Soft Matter
平田 修造・伊都 将司・Martin Vacha・宮坂 博
Shuzo HIRATA, Syoji ITO, Martin VACHA, Hiroshi MIYASAKA
<要旨> 材料薄膜は厚さがナノメートルスケールになると表面や基板界面の影響を強く受け、拡散や回転運動などが膜厚方向とほかの方向とで大きく異なる。本稿では非点収差顕微鏡を用いて膜厚方向のダイナミックスを評価する手法を解説する。さらに高分子薄膜や液晶薄膜を例にとり、膜厚方向のダイナミックスを評価した最近の研究を紹介する。
Keywords: Super-Resolution Microscopy / Single Molecule / Polymer Film / Relaxation Dymanics / Diffusion / Liquid Crystal
Conformational Analysis of Polymer Chain by Single Molecule Localization Microscopy
青木 裕之
Hiroyuki AOKI
<要旨> 単一分子局在化顕微鏡に開発によってナノメートルスケールの空間分解能での蛍光イメージングが実現した。これによりバルク材料内部の構造とダイナミックスを三次元的に単一分子レベルで評価することができるようになった。本稿では単一分子局在化顕微鏡の原理を概説するとともに、高分子鎖のコンホメーション解析への応用について述べる。
Keywords: Single Molecule Localization Microscopy / Super-Resolution / Single Polymer Chain / Conformation / Deformation / Fluorescence
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
Principle and Application of STED Microscopy
堀田 純一
Jun-ichi HOTTA
<要旨> Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy is one of the super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques, which realize better resolution than the diffraction limit of light. In order to squeeze a fluorescent spot, STED microscopy utilize fluorescence depletion by stimulated emission process for switching off the fluorescence molecules except for the center of the donut STED beam. In this paper, principle and application of STED microscopy are discussed. The important role of patterned polymer thin films as spatical phase modulators is explained. Generation of two- and three-dimensional donut beams using polymer thin films are described. As examples of STED microscopy in the field of polymers, single molecule imaging of dendrimers, visualization of nanoscale block copolymer morphology, and STED lithography are discussed.
Keywords: STED Microscopy / Super-Resolution / Dendrimer / Block Copolymer / STED Lithography
Super-Resolution Fluorescence Imaging Based on Molecular Adsorption
羽渕 聡史
<要旨> While super-resolution fluorescence imaging has been revolutionizing the way we study nanoscale structures, applications of the imaging technique is still limited, partly due to limited fluorophores and labeling methods available for the imaging. Here, I introduce a localization microscopy technique (PALM/STORM) based on an adsorption of fluorophores to a target structure. This method does not require a covalent labeling of a target structure with a special fluorophore whose fluorescent state can be switched, which is not a trivial issue. In this approach, the fluorophores adsorb selectively to the target structure. Fluorescent states of the fluorophore are then spatiotemporally controlled by adsorption/desorption kinetics of the fluorophore. Based on the adsorption/desorption-induced fluorescence switching, a super-resolution image is reconstructed, similar to PALM/STORM imaging. I show several examples of the super-resolution fluorescence imaging based on this approach, including micro phase separation of phospholipids in a lipid bilayer, DNA nanostructures, and polymer nanostructures.
Keywords: Super-Resolution / Fluorescence Imaging / STORM / Single-Molecule / Adsorption / Nano-Structure / Thermal Nanoimprinting
The Principle and the Applications of Structured Illumination Super Resolution Microscopy
及川 義朗
Yoshiro OIKAWA
<要旨> Optical microscopy has the theoretical resolution limit of 200 nm which is defined as d=λ/2NA. Recently some ideas of breaking this limit are employed in the commercially available product, known as “super resolution microscopy”. “Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM)” is one of those technologies that provides approx. 100 nm resolution. In the SIM method, a stripe illumination pattern is applied to capture the diffraction light. Several images with such illumination pattern are captured and they are converted into Fourier space. Then high frequency components are separated and relocated. The image frequency range has become twice bigger. Then they are converted back into the real space, and a super resolution image with some 100 nm resolution is generated. The Electron microscope is useful to observe a very small sample, but not applicable to a living sample. SIM is used in the fields of neuro-science, immunology research or regenerative medicine research. Super resolution microscopy is expanding its application field not only for bioscience, but material science and other fields.
Keywords: Microscope / Super Resolution / SIM / Structured Illumination
IR Super-resolution Microscopy
酒井 誠・藤井 正明
Makoto SAKAI, Masaaki FUJII
<要旨> For many years, spatial resolution was the most critical problem in IR microscopy. This is because the spatial resolution of a conventional IR microscope is restricted by the diffraction limit, which is almost the same as the wavelength of IR light, ranging from 2.5 to 25 μm. In the recent years, we have developed two novel types of far-field IR super-resolution microscopes using 2-color laser spectroscopies, transient fluorescence detected IR spectroscopy and vibrational sum-frequency generation (VSFG) spectroscopy. Applying these methods, in which both transient fluorescence and VSFG signal have a wavelength in the visible region, the image is observed at the resolution of visible light, which is about 10 times smaller than that of IR light, that is, IR super-resolution. By using these techniques, we can map the specific IR absorption with a sub-micrometer spatial resolution, visualization of the molecular structure includung molecular orientations in a non-uniform environment becomes a possibility.
Keywords: IR Super-Resolution / Microscope / 2-Color Laser Spectroscopy / IR Imaging / IR Spectroscopy / Molecular Structure / Molecular Orientation
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
Passive but Positive
中嶋 琢也
<要旨> I had great opportunities to be involved in the startup of new laboratories by chance. These experiences made me open to new research fields and a witty player. I’m still struggling with science to achieve a great discovery.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Synthesis of Inorganic Hollow Nanoparticles Templated by Polymeric Micelles
中島 謙一
<要旨> Inorganic hollow nanoparticles have many applications from use as heat insulation and lightweight materials to drug carriers for medicinal purposes. Two synthesis techniques have been used so far; one relies on a template and the other is template-free. Template-free processes have a drawback that it is difficult to control particle size. The templates are further classified into two; one is hard and the other is soft. Hard template techniques also suffer from low product yield and shell weakness. Thus, researchers have turned to soft templates, especially polymeric micelles. In this review, we introduce recent progress in the synthesis of inorganic hollow nanoparticles focusing on a strategy of polymeric micelle templates. We demonstrate advantages of ABC triblock copolymer micelles with core-shell-corona architecture. By tailoring experimental parameters, we can readily obtain a variety of hollow nanoparticles including silica, metal-oxides, metal-phosphates, etc. Finally, we highlight the potential use of these hollow particles in drug delivery and bio-imaging.
Keywords: Inorganic Hollow Nanopartilce / Template Syntehsis / Polymeric Micelle