高分子 Vol.65 No.2
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特集 分子配向の道しるべ
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
Molecular Alignment for High-Performance Organic Electronics
竹谷 純一
<要旨> 究極的な分子配向性を有する有機半導体単結晶のデバイス研究を中心に、高移動度のキャリア伝導を実現する機構について述べる。また、印刷法の適用が可能な溶液プロセスで10 cm2/Vs級の高移動度有機半導体が得られているので、それをベースにしたエレクトロニクス回路についても紹介する。
Keywords: Organic Semiconductor / Organic Electronics / Organic Transistor / Organic Single-Crystal Transistor / Printed Electronics / Printed LSI / Printed Active Matrix
Phonon that Influences the Thermal Conductivity of Polymers
竹澤 由高
Yoshitaka TAKEZAWA
<要旨> 多くの高分子は固体物理学的には無秩序構造体であり、フォノンを量子論を用いて議論し難い。しかし、マクロな分子配向の観点から熱伝導現象を考えると、無秩序な高分子に対してもフォノンの存在をエンジニアリング的にも理解する必要がある。高分子において言葉としてなじみの少ないフォノンを熱伝導現象から概念的に説明する。
Keywords: Phonon / Scattering / Thermal Conductivity / Molecular Orientation / Mesogen / Liquid-Crystalline / Epoxy / Polyethylene
Orientation of Ions
一川 尚広・大野 弘幸
Takahiro ICHIKAWA, Hiroyuki OHNO
<要旨> イオン液体を構成するイオンを配向させると、バルクのイオン液体にはない機能が発現する。本稿においては、イオン液体と液晶を組み合わせるというアプローチによる配向イオン場の設計について記す。また、このような特異なイオン場が生み出すナノ構造由来の機能やイオン配列が形成する界面の機能について紹介する。
Keywords: Ionic Liquids / Liquid Crystals / Ion Conduction / Zwitterions
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
Control for Orientation of Polymer Crystals
松葉 豪
<要旨> We discussed about the structure formation process during shear flow, especially the so-called shish-kebab structure. For this purpose, we developed new type polarized optical microscopy with high-speed camera. We succeeded the formation processes of micro-scaled fibril-like structure in isotactic polypropylene. At first 8 sec, no fibril-like structure could be observed, while after 9 sec we observed increasing of these structure during shear flow. We evaluated the length and width of these structure. The length increases with increasing shear rate and decreasing shear temperature, because the structure formation processes depend on polymer chain relaxation. On the other hand, the width is independent of the shear rate and temperature. To evalutate the nm-scaled structure foramtion processes we carried out in-situ x-ray scattering measurements with synchrotron such as SPring-8 and Photon Factory in Japan. The nm-scaled scature grows up after emerging of micro-scaled fibril-like structure. The nm-structure is due to lamellar-structure with polymer crystal. These suggest that micron-scaled fibril-like structure is caused by precursor of oriented crystalline and higher-ordered structure.
Keywords: Shish-Kebab Structure / Shear Flow / Higher-Ordered Structure / Synchrotron X-ray Scattering
Mechanochromic Molecules and Materials
齊藤 尚平
Shohei SAITO
<要旨> Molecular alignment is important for the exhibition of molecular functions in bulk materials. The author introduces some examples in which luminescence of materials, particularly mechanochromic luminescence, have been designed based on molecular fluorescence and molecular alignment. The sentences are composed of following three topics, 1) distinct solid-state fluorescences only depending on fluorophore alignment (Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 51, 714-717 (2012)), 2) discrimination of anisotropic and isotropic stresses by mechanochromism (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135, 10322-10325 (2013)), and 3) quick and reversible visualization of the stress on a fluorescent polymer film. In the last system, a dynamic fluorophore has been synthesized to realize force-induced fluorescence color change in single molecule (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135, 8842-8845 (2013) and Chem. Eur. J., 20, 2193-2200 (2014)). The interplay of molecular functions and molecular mechanics becomes more and more important for the creation of fuctional materials, in which the molecular alignment is the key to the synergistic functions.
Keywords: Mechanochromism / Piezochromism / Luminescence / Fluorescence / Molecular Alignment / π Conjugation / High Pressure / Stress Sensor
Magneto-LC Effects and Magnetoelectric Effect Observed in All-Organic Nitroxide Radical Liquid Crystals
田村 類
<要旨> For the first time, we prepared all-organic radical liquid crystalline (LC) compounds in which a five-membered cyclic nitroxide unit is incorporated into the central position of the molecule and found the occurrence of a sort of spin glass-like ferromagnetic interactions (average spin-spin exchange interaction constant J > 0) induced by low magnetic fields in the various LC phases. This phenomenon was referred to as “positive magneto-LC effects”. Furthermore, we could observe a “magnetoelectric effect” for the ferroelectric liquid crystalline phase showing the positive magneto-LC effects, by measuring the electric field dependence of paramagnetic susceptibility by means of EPR spectroscopy.
Keywords: Magneto-LC Effects / Magnetoelectric Effect / Nitoxide Radical Liquid Crystals
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
A Misunderstanding Gave Me a Chance to be a Polymer Chemist
下元 浩晃
<要旨> After the unexpected encounter with the research area of macromolecules caused by my misunderstanding, I have met a number of great people over the past 10 years. Their continuous guidance and encouragement have made me what I am today.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Recent Progress in Photoalignment Technology
川月 喜弘
<要旨> Photoalignment for LC device applications has received much attention because it has various advantages, such as no-mechanical damage, no-electric charge, and patterning ability, compared to conventional rubbing and stretching techniques. Basically, the axis-selective photoreaction to a photoresponsive thin film using linearly polarized (LP) light source generates photoinduced optical and physical anisotropies of photoreacted materials. Functional materials such as liquid crystals are easily self-organized on the resultant films and photoreacted films show large optical anisotropy in some cases. This mini-review describes recent progress in photoalignment technology for 1) photoalignment for LC molecules and functional materials, 2) molecularly oriented photoalignment technology, and 3) new photoalignment technology.
Keywords: Photoalignment / Photoinduced Orientation / Liquid Crystal / Liquid Crystalline Polymer / LC Display