高分子 Vol.68 No.3
>> Japanese >> English
特集 高分子らしさとは何か
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
What is the “Polymer-Like” in Self-Assemblies of Block Copolymers
陣内 浩司
Hiroshi JINNAI
<要旨> 異種の高分子が共有結合で連結したブロック共重合体は、自己組織化により周期的なナノ構造(ミクロ相分離構造)を形成する。ミクロ相分離構造の安定性や構造間の転移現象は、この分野における古くからの興味の対象である。本稿では、この静的および動的現象における“高分子らしさ”について、自己組織化の物理を共通するほかの実験系との比較を行いながら考察してみた。
Keywords: Block Copolymers / Self-Assembly / Electron Microscopy / Electron Tomography / Molecular Weight Distribution
Polyrotaxane and Slide-Ring Materials
伊藤 耕三
Kohzo ITO
<要旨> 代表的なトポロジカル超分子であるポリロタキサンを架橋した環動ネットワークは、架橋点が自由に動けることから、通常の架橋体とは異なる力学物性を示す。本展望では、「高分子らしさ」の観点から、ポリロタキサンと環動高分子の特徴を解説するとともに、最近の研究例や応用例について紹介する。
Keywords: Cross-Link / Polyrotaxane / Supramolecule / Mechanical Properties
Cooperative Phenomena of Polymers and Associative Molecules
古賀 毅
Tsuyoshi KOGA
<要旨> 「高分子らしさ」と分子レベルでの「会合」現象が協同的に働くとき、予想もしなかったような構造形成過程が見られることがある。これまでよく知られていたポリロタキサンが、このような協同現象によって形成されることが、理論・シミュレーションにより最近解明されたので、その研究を紹介し、「高分子らしさ」について考察する。
Keywords: Polymer / Association / Cyclodextrin / Polyrotaxane / Cooperative Phenomena / Inclusion Complex / Statistical Mechanical Theory / Molecular Simulation
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
Relationship between Mechanical Properties and Nano-Structure of the Transient Network Structure Constructed with Amphiphilic Polymers
金田 勇
<要旨> HEURs, which is a type of amphiphilic polymers, construct transient networks in water and these networks become physical gels. These physical gels are utilized as a thickener in cosmetics, because they show unique rheological properties. A study on the concentration dependency of the mechanical properties and their nano-structures that are observed using SAXS have been perfomed. Mechanical poperties of the physical gels metastasized at around 2 wt%. It has been found that this phenomenon is caused by the change of the polymer assembly structures of the gels by employing SAXS studies.
Keywords: Amphiphilic Polymers / HEUR / Physical Gels / Rheology / SAXS
Analysis of Protein Interactions to Create Protein Materials
長門石 曉・中木戸 誠・津本 浩平
<要旨> Proteins are sophisticated molecules, which have a variety of functions. Development of novel materials based on understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the protein functions would have a tremendous potential. Here, we introduce our recent studies related to protein fibril formation. First, we developed an original “protein schackle”, which can form fibrils in oxidation condition dependent manner. We also showed the intermolecular weak interaction, of which Kd was around mM range, have a critical role in the polymerizaiton reaction. In the second study, we revealed OMD, a protein that belongs to small leucine rich repeat proteoglycan family, regulates the fibril formation of collagens through interaction with pre-mature collagen fibrils. Although the affinity of the interaction is weak and tentative, the interaction has critical effect on appropriate fibril formation of collagen. Both examples clearly show that “weak intermolecular interaction” has a important role in the regulation of fibril formation. We hope these findings will contribute to the development of novel protein-based materials.
Keywords: Protein-Protein Interaction / Weak Intermolecular Interaction / Fibril Formation
Topological Interaction in Ring Polymers
井田 大地
Daichi IDA
<要旨> Topological interactions in ring polymers arise only from the chain connectivity. In this short article, there are briefly summarized the Monte Carlo studies of effects of the intra- and intermolecular topological interactions on the scattering function and second virial coefficient, respectively, of the wormlike ring model. A comparison between experimental data and the results for the wormlike ring is also shown.
Keywords: Ring Polymers / Scattering Function / Second Virial Coefficient / Topological Interaction / Wormlike Ring
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
Gute Reise und Viel Spaß !!
Gute Reise und Viel Spaß !!
覚知 亮平
<要旨> This essay highlights the author’s stint in Germany as a postdoctoral researcher and documents how the stay in Germany affected the author’s life and the way of thinking.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Polymer Nanomechanics
中嶋 健
<要旨> The recent progress in the field of “polymer nanomechanics” is reviewed, which is based on atomic force microscope (AFM), the author’s expertise. Starting from its histrical background which focused on so-called tapping-mode, the contributions of materials’ elasticity and viscosity, adhesive interaction to imaging contrast are discussed. Then, nano-palpation AFM is introduced where quantitative nanomecanical analyses of materials’ elasticity became possible. Further attempts to realize the visualization of viscoelasticity are reviewed, appeared within several years. Viscocity mapping based on Johnson’s standard linear solid model enabled us to obtain a suble difference in materials’ properties between two types of rubbers in a blend specimen. Our newly-developed nanorheological AFM was finaly introduced, by which the quantitative measurement of dynamic moduli with broad frequency range came true. The possible violation of time-temperature superposition principle was indicated by this method, where the heterogeneous glass-rubber transition was observed at nano-scale for vulcanized rubber specimen.
Keywords: Polymer Nanomechanics / Atomic Force Microscope / Viscoelasticity / Time-Temperature Superposition Principle / Glass-Rubber Transition / Heterogeneity