高分子 Vol.60 No.12
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特集 フッ素系高分子材料の新展開
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
Post-Functionalization of Conjugated Polymers by Selective Electrochemical Fluorination
稲木 信介・淵上 寿雄
Shinsuke INAGI and Toshio FUCHIGAMI
<要旨> 近年,有機化合物の選択的フッ素化は幅広い分野で注目されている。共役系高分子を選択的にフッ素化することで炭素-フッ素結合に起因するさまざまな機能を付与することができるため非常に意義深い。本稿では共役系高分子の電極電子移動をキーステップとする電解フッ素化を中心に新しいポスト機能化法について紹介する。
Keywords: Electrochemical Fluorination / Conjugated Polymer / Polymer Reaction / Solid-Phase Reaction / Electron Transfer
Development of Decomposition Techniques for Fluoropolymers and Related Chemicals
堀 久男
Hisao HORI
<要旨> 耐熱性や耐薬品性,低屈折率等の優れた性質をもち,産業界はもとより我々の生活にもなくてはならないフッ素ポリマーやその関連物質を,穏和な条件で分解する反応手法の開発が,環境負荷の低減や貴重となりつつあるフッ素資源の循環利用の見地から注目されている。ここでは近年の研究動向について報告したい。
Keywords: Fluorine / Waste / Monomerization / Mineralization / Subcritical Water / Surfactant / PFOA/PFOS
High-Performance Electret Based on Fluorinated Polymer for Energy Harvesting
鈴木 雄二
<要旨> 環境振動発電は,電池レス無線センサネットワークノードのメンテナンスフリー電源として注目を集めており,構造ヘルスモニタリングなどへの応用が期待されている。本稿では,低周波数の環境振動に適する静電誘導発電のための高性能ポリマーエレクトレット膜とエレクトレット発電器の開発について,今後の展望も含めて解説する。
Keywords: Electret / Fluorinated Polymer / Energy Harvesting / MEMS
Super-Water-Repellent and Highly-Oil-Repellent Coating with Fluoric Compounds with Nano Particles
白鳥 世明
<要旨> ハスの葉効果に着目し,真空をいっさい使わないウェットプロセスナノテクノロジーを用いることで物理的,化学的両処理方法の組み合わせにより繊維表面の防汚機能を増強させることができる。日常普段着へのコーティングを行うことで,水溶液も油性液体からも身体を保護する超撥水・高撥油という防護機能をもち合わせた新規素材に期待する。
Keywords: Repellent / Water / Oil / Protection / Antifouling
トピックス COVER STORY:Topics and Products
PVdF Binder of Lithium Ion Battery
佐久間 充康
Mitsuyasu SAKUMA
<要旨> PVdF (polyvinylidenefluoride) is a worldwide used polymer as a binder material for lithium ion secondary battery electrodes. Characteristic features of PVdF material satisfy the various functions required in the electrode manufacturing process and battery performance. As an example of binder function, the adhesive mechanism with the types of PVdF and their molecular weight is shown in this paper.
Keywords: PVdF / Binder / Lithium Ion / Battery / Electrochemical / Crystalline / Molecular Weight
Synthesis and Application of Perfluoropolyethers
白川 大祐
<要旨> Perfluoropolyethers (PFPE) have an excellent fluidity and low surface friction. These fluorinated oils are employed as grease, lubricant and modification in various fields. As applications require higher performance and reliability, the technology of the PFPE is facing more challenging tasks regarding its tribological performance.
Keywords: Perfluoropolyether / Fluorination / Lubricant / Hard Disk Drive
Dynamic Liquid Repellency of Fluoroacrylate Homopolymers
森田 正道・山本 育男
Masamichi MORITA and Ikuo YAMAMOTO
<要旨> The effect of the α position structure of fluoroacrylate homopolymers with short fluoroalkyl (Rf) chains on dynamic liquid repellency was characterized by sliding angle and sliding velocity values. We developed a Rf(Cn)α-Cl acrylate homopolymer, which shows a very high dynamic liquid repellency compared with Rf(Cn) acrylate and Rf(Cn) methacrylate. This result is suggesting that the surface molecular mobility of Rf chains is restricted by α-Cl groups and the surface rearrangement is hard to achieve.
Keywords: Dynamic Liquid Repellency / Sliding Angle / Sliding Velocity / Contact Angle / Fluoroacrylate
Fluorinated Materials Used in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
清水 道晃
Michiaki SHIMIZU
<要旨> Many parts used in the construction of vehicles have been developed by taking advantage of fluorinated materials. In applications for HEVs, heat resistance and oil resistance are nominated as one of the most required features.
Keywords: Hybrid Electric Vehicle / Heat Resistant / Oil Resistant / Cable / Harness
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Investigation of Optimized Conjugated Polymer Backbone Structures for Charge Carrier Transport
関 修平
<要旨> Recent successful reports on the variety of organic and/or organic-inorganic compounds with conjugated electronic systems based on covalent/non-covalent chemical bondings have extended rapidly the feasibility of the compounds as practical electronic devices. One of the most important properties of the materials is the mobility of charge carriers because the value is determining and dominating all the device performance including switching rate, energy efficiency, reliability, etc. In the present paper, electrode-less microwave conductivity measurement techniques have been applied to determine the value of mobility in the conjugated macromolecular/supramolecular systems, and we discuss comprehensively the mechanisms of charge carrier transports in the materials in view of what are the formative processes of the charge carrier transport in the respective three measurement systems. This leads to the optimization of the mobility value in a variety of the organic materials, making these materials a good choice to challenge the conventional inorganic semiconductor materials used by industries and substitute them in part by the organic materials.
Keywords: Conjugated Polymers / Mobility / Microwave / Time-of-Flight / Field-Effect-Transistor / Semiconductor/ Molecular Wires / Non-Contact / Ultra-High Pressure