高分子 Vol.64 No.4
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特集 光と魔法の高分子
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
Future Prospect of Artificial Photosynthesis as an Ideal System for Chemical Conversion of Sun Light Energy
井上 晴夫
<要旨> 近未来の地球のエネルギー事情、環境事情は深刻とも言える。地球に降り注ぐ太陽光エネルギーは、人類の消費エネルギーの一万倍以上もあることから、将来のエネルギー源として太陽光に注目しその人工的な利用を考えるのはきわめて自然であろう。急進展を見せる人工光合成研究の現状と展望を解説する。
Keywords: Photosynthesis / Artificial Photosynthesis / Chemical Conversion of Sun Light Energy / Solar Fuel / Solar Energy Conversion / Photocatalysis
Advanced Polymeric Materials Based on Interaction with Photons
長村 利彦
Toshihiko NAGAMURA
<要旨> 多くのすぐれた特性をもち、無尽蔵かつ世界中でほぼ平等に利用できる光をさらに活用する基本になるのは、生体の多くの機能例に見られるように分子と光の相互作用である。しかし、自然界のすぐれた機能は分子だけで発揮できているわけではない。光化学に基づいた分子設計、最適な材料・デバイス・システム開発、広範な学問や技術の融合などにより、未利用の多くの光特性を活用し、自然界を超えるようなすぐれた機能や応答をもつ革新的分子システムを開発することが必要であろう。本稿では、おもに材料面から光がかかわる高分子や有機分子材料の機能とそれを有効活用するさまざまな工夫に関して最近の進展と展望を概観する。
Keywords: Advanced Polymer Materials / Responses to Photons and Various Stimuli
Organic Molecular Materials with Photomechanical Functions
中野 英之
Hideyuki NAKANO
<要旨> 有機フォトクロミック分子は、光照射によって可逆的に分子構造を変化させる。この分子レベルで起こる構造変化を目で見えるスケールのメカニカルな構造変化や動作に導く“フォトメカニカル機能”発現に関する研究が活発に行われている。光で形が変わったり動いたりする材料が次々に報告され、さまざまな魔法がかけられるようになってきた。
Keywords: Photochromism / Photomechanical Function / Photoinduced Mass Transport / Microcrystal / Liquid Crystal / Amorphous Film / Diarylethene / Azobenzene
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
Magneto-Optical Property of Lantanide Cluster with Ln-O Lattice Structure
中西 貴之・長谷川 靖哉
Takayuki NAKANISHI, Yasuchika HASEGAWA
<要旨> Lanthanide(Ln)-complexes with organic ligands have attracted much interest for optical, electronic and magnetic applications. In particular, poly-nuclear lanthanide complexes with a Ln-O inorganic lattice have been reported to show characteristic chemical and physical properties such as catalytic reactions, acting as single-molecular magnets, and photo-sensitized luminescence. The molecular design and synthesis of poly-nuclear lanthanide complexes is expected to open up a new field of advanced molecular science.
In this article, we describe the magneto-optical properties of novel terbium nona-nuclear complexes with a sandglass shaped Tb-O lattice structure. Effective Faraday rotation was observed in nona-nuclear terbium complexes in the visible region for the first time.
Keywords: Lanthanide Cluster / Faraday Effect
Molecular Domino with Emission Color Change upon Applying Mechanical Stimulus
関 朋宏・伊藤 肇
Tomohiro SEKI, Hajime ITO
<要旨> Aryl gold isocyanide complexes exhibit interesting phase transition behaviors and photoluminescence properties in the solid state. During the course of our investigation on luminescent mechanochromism, we found that some aryl gold isocyanide complexes show mechanical force-induced single-crystal-to-single-crystal phase transition. This can be called “molecular domino” because even a small mechanical stimulus on a local area of the crystal can trigger the structure change of the entire crystal. This spontaneous molecular rearrangement proceeds in a single-crystal-to-single-crystal fashion with a dramatic emission color change. These features enable sub-molecular-level structure investigation with single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses and visual observation of the phase transition under UV light irradiation. This type of stimuli-responsive materials will provide us with deep understanding of their structure-property relationships.
Keywords: Mechanochromism / Photoluminescence / Molecular Domino / Gold Complex / Phase Transition
Photochromism that Plays an Important Role in Information Transmission
松田 建児
<要旨> Photochromic compounds change their molecular structure along with the photoinduced color change. Therefore, this category of compounds can be used as a switching unit in molecular electronics and molecular spintronics. Based on the topological change of π-system between diarylethene open- and closed-ring isomers, we have developed a switching system for magnetic exchange interaction and molecular conductance. To control molecular alignment at the surface or the interface by self-assembly is very important. We have developed systems which show photoswitching of a chiral structure and lower critical solution temperature using amphiphilic photochromic diarylethene derivatives.
Self-assembly at solid/liquid interface can be studied by STM. A diarylethene-pyrene-diarylethene triad showed photoinduced two-dimensional ordering change at a liquid/solid interface upon in situ photoirradiation. An open-ring isomer of a 2-thienyl-type diarylethene having an amide group showed abrupt increase of surface coverage at certain concentration. This abrupt increase can be explained by the cooperative model. A highly-sensitive system achieved by highly-cooperative system is an interesting topic.
Keywords: Photochromism / Molecular Electronics / Molecular Spintronics / Diarylethene / STM / Self-Assembly / Cooperativity
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
Experiments are My Inspiration !
髙坂 泰弘
Yasuhiro KOHSAKA
<要旨> No matter how great the idea is, no success comes without an experiment. Although the time of difficulty occupies most of my memories, I have made many experiments so as to make an exciting discovery. Now, at the start of my new laboratory, I remind myself about the importance of experiments again.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Hydration of Polymeric Materials
四方 俊幸
Toshiyuki SHIKATA
<要旨> Hydration behavior is essential information for the discussion of physicochemical characteristics of polymeric materials in aqueous solution. In addition to a classical acoustic method, dielectric spectroscopic experiments over an extremely high frequency range beyond the relaxation frequency of water molecules, and depolarized Raman scattering measurements in an extremely low frequency range have been useful techniques to determine hydration numbers of solute molecules recently. Since these techniques also provide information about how long hydrated water molecules stay in their sites, i.e. hydration lifetime, more detailed consideration of hydration behavior has been developed in aqueous systems.
Keywords: Hydration Number / Acoustic Method / Dielectric Spectroscopy / Depolarized Raman Scattering / Hydration Lifetime