高分子 Vol.66 No.7
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特集 フレキシブル電子デバイスに関連した高分子
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
Polymers in Reflective Displays
<要旨> 反射型ディスプレイは、発光をともなわない省電力性、汎用性、日照下での視認性に優れたディスプレイであり、電子書籍や紙代替用電子デバイスとして広範囲な応用が期待される。ここでは現在実用化されているマイクロカプセル化電気泳動方式とカラー化が期待されるエレクトロクロミック方式に焦点をあて、高分子の役割、必要性も含め概観する。
Keywords: Reflective Display / e-Paper / Microcapsule / Electrophoretic / Electrochromism / Silver Deposition / Plasmon
Electromechanically Active Polymer Soft Actuators
Hidenori OKUZAKI
<要旨> 高分子材料の形状や体積を電気でコントロールできれば、フレキシブルなロボットやソフトアクチュエータ、人工筋肉などへの応用が期待できる。これまで多種多様な電場駆動型(EAP)ソフトアクチュエータが報告されており、実用化に向けた取り組みも始まっている。本稿では、さまざまなEAPソフトアクチュエータに関する最近の研究を紹介するとともに、今後の展望について解説する。
Keywords: Electromechanically Active Polymer / Soft Actuator / Ionic Polymer Metal Composite / Conductive Polymer / Dielectric Elastomer / Super-Coiled Polymer / Compliant Electrode / PEDOT:PSS
Trend of Solution-Processable Organic Semiconductor Development and Applications
<要旨> 本稿では、印刷法が適用できる低分子系および高分子系有機半導体の分子構造の進化を紹介するとともに、その薄膜中での分子配列、それらを用いた印刷型有機薄膜トランジスタ(TFT)の特性について最近の動向を紹介する。また、この印刷型有機TFTの集積回路応用について微細印刷技術の進展も含めて紹介する。
Keywords: Organic Semiconductors / Printed Electronics / TFT / Integrated Circuits
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
Device-Less Evaluation of Organic Photovoltaics
Akinori SAEKI
<要旨> An organic photovoltaic (OPV) cell is a flexible, light-weight electric device that consists of earth-abundant non-toxic elements and converts sunlight energy into electricity. A remarkable improvement in power conversion efficiency (PCE) has been achieved through the use of innovative materials and device structures. However, a reliable technique for the rapid screening of the materials and processes is a strong demand towards faster development in this area. This article reviews such a versatile evaluation technique for bulk heterojunction (BHJ) OPVs, which was realized by using time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC). A nanosecond monochromatic laser pulse or microsecond white light pulse from a Xe flash-lamp is used as the excitation. This device-less evaluation of OPV allows a rapid screening of processing conditions and materials without requiring tedious fabrication of the actual device. TRMC also demonstrates the feasibility of the quantification of the hole transfer yield from the organic-inorganic perovskite to hole transfer layer and could offer an alternative way to characterize materials for photocatalysts and light-emitting diodes.
Keywords: Organic Solar Cell / Conjugated Polymer / Time-Resolved Microwave Conductivity (TRMC) / Charge Carreir Mobility / Peovskite Solar Cell / Hole Transfer Layer
Development of Organic Photovoltaic Cells in TORAY
<要旨> Organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs) based on a blend film of an electron-donor polymer and an electron acceptor material have attracted much attention because of their potential application in flexible and lightweight solar cells, which could be fabricated by cost-effective production such as roll-to-roll printing. Our current major challenges for commercialization of OPVs are to improve the power conversion efficiency (PCE) and device stabilities.
We have been developing high performanece OPVs, which showed high power conversion efficiency of up to 10% under an illumination of AM 1.5 G at 100 mW/cm2 and high stability beyond 1,000 h under light- (successive 1 sun irradiation, room temperature) and thermal (dark, 85℃) test conditions.
Keywords: Organic Photovoltaic Cells / Electron Donor Material / Power Conversion Efficiency / Stability
圧電性キラル高分子Film, Fabric, Decorated Bariding Code
Piezoelectric Chiral Polymer: Film, Fabric, Decorated Braiding Code
<要旨> We have been jointly developing environmentally conscious polylactic-acid (PLA) piezoelectric materials for a number of years, including a flexible piezoelectric film. Piezoelectricity is the generation of electric charges by certain dielectric materials in response to mechanical stress. Recently, we developed wearable sensors in the shapes of Japanese traditional braided cords, known as kumihimo, using PLA piezoelectric fiber. The new piezoelectric kumihimo wearable sensors use the method of kumihimo’s technical art and can detect user motions such as elongation and contraction, bending and extension, and twisting. The softness and flexibility of kumihimo shapes enable the sensors to be fashioned in a wide variety of thicknesses, lengths and shapes. Other useful features include low noise, high sensitivity and solderless construction enable easy connection to devices with a small connector. Kumihimo knotting and flexibility enable fashionable sensors to be worn as accessories, such as chokers and necklaces that detect human movements including pulse wave, swallowing or coughing.
Keywords: Piezoelectricity / Chirality / Poly-Lactic Acid / PLLA / Film / Fabric / Decorated Braiding Code
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
Under Exploration
<要旨> This essay describes the author’s research career in four institutions, involving foreign institutions. Through the research experience under various environments, the author is now seeking original research for the next decade. However, a little more time is necessary to find it. So, it is still under exploration…….
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Mechanical Properties of Flexible Materials
宍戸 厚・赤松範久
<要旨> In recent years, soft matter has been extensively studied for wide applications: wearable devices, displays, and so on. Soft matter has a special feature in its three-dimensional flexibility, and its detailed deformation behavior is of great importance from the viewpoint of materials design. We introduce recent progress on material deformation analysis methods for flexible electronics.
Keywords: Flexible Device / Soft Material / Mechanical Property