高分子 Vol.67 No.4 |
>> Japanese | >> English |
特集 表面・界面の構造がキワ立つ高分子
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews |
界面での分子の振る舞い-配向と流れ Actions of Molecules at Interfaces—Alignment and Flow |
関 隆広 Takahiro SEKI |
<要旨> 界面での分子の振る舞いの理解や界面機能の創成に関する研究は多岐にわたるとともに、今後も尽きない課題ばかりである。ここでは界面近傍での液晶物質の配向挙動と分子の流れに焦点を絞り、最近の研究の進展を紹介する。界面近傍での分子の振る舞いには謎が多いが、確実に新しいアプローチに基づいた研究が進展している。 Keywords: Interfaces / Command Surface / Liquid Crystals / Surface Segregation / Free Surface / Nanoimprint |
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ポリマーブラシによる固体表面のぬれ性制御と大面積化 Control of Surface Wettability Using Polymer Brushes and A New Approach to Their Large Area Fabrication |
佐藤 知哉・浦田 千尋・穂積 篤 Tomoya SATO, Chihiro URATA, Atsushi HOZUMI |
<要旨> ポリマー鎖が基材表面に高密度に固定化された分子組織であるポリマーブラシは、従来の高分子薄膜にはない特異な構造や表面特性を示すため、基礎研究の分野だけでなく、産業応用の観点からも注目されている。本稿では、ポリマーブラシの作製手法や表面特性を概説するとともに、ぬれ性制御と大面積化に関する筆者らの研究事例を紹介する。 Keywords: Polymer Brushes / Wettability / Oil / Water Separation / Paint-on Method / Large Area Fabrication / Sol-Gel |
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ナノスペースを利用したCO2分離 CO2 Separation by Polymer Membranes Containing Nanoparticles with Gas Permeable Nano-Space |
川上 浩良 Hiroyoshi KAWAKAMI |
<要旨> 非多孔質高分子膜内の気体の透過は溶解拡散モデルに従う。高分子の自由体積や高分子鎖や側鎖の局所運動が拡散性や溶解性に影響を与え膜の分離性能を決めてきた。しかし、地球温暖化のCO2分離膜性能には、既存高分子材料では達成がきわめて困難な超高気体透過性が求められている。本稿では、新しい考え方に基づく分離膜設計について筆者らの研究を含め紹介する。 Keywords: Carbon Dioxide / Gas Separation / Silica Nanoparticle / Gas Permeable Nano-Space / Maxwell Model / Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage / Mixed Matrix Membraneis |
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トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products |
キトサンを用いて微細なリンクル表面を作る新戦略 A New Strategy for Developing Microscopic Wrinkled Surfaces by Using Chitosan |
井澤 浩則・斎本 博之 Hironori IZAWA, Hiroyuki SAIMOTO |
<要旨> We accidentally found a phenomenon forming micro-scale wrinkles on a chitosan film by immersing it in a phenolic acid solution, followed by horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed surface reaction and drying. We revealed that the skin layer, composed of ionic bonding between chitosan and an oligophenolic residue formed by the horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed surface reaction, induced surface wrinkling. Furthermore, we developed a novel surface wrinkling system inspired by this knowledge in which a skin layer formed by ionic crosslinking of chitosan and alginate induced surface wrinkling. This knowledge would provide a new strategy for developing surface wrinkling. Keywords: Chitosan / Surface Wrinkling / Horseradish Peroxidase / Skin Layer / Bio-Based Materials / Biomimetic Materials |
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生体分子と電気化学センサーをつなぐポリマー界面設計 Construction of Polymer Interface Connecting Biomolecule with an Electrochemical Sensor |
加治佐 平 Taira KAJISA |
<要旨> In order to develop electrochemical biosensors, it is important to construct an interfacial material on electrodes for a selective and highly sensitive detection of biomarkers, since the occurred charge changes in target molecules is cancelled by the ions and contaminants of biofluids. In this chapter, we introduce two examples of biosensing using polymer modified electrodes. Firstly, a selective and highly sensitive biosensor was investigated using the molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP)-coated gate field-effect transistor (FET). Dopamine-imprinted MIP-FET detected dopamine selectively from the other catecholamines. Secondly, cell sensing was achieved by a potentiometer for polycatecholamine coated-Au electrode. A nano-layer of a polycatecholamine electrode showed pH sensitivity without response to the other ions. Cells were cultivated on the electrode and we monitored the increase of surface potential as a respiratory activity during proliferation of the cells. In conclusion, uniform and thickness controlled polymer interfaces at the electrode make it possible for electrochemical biosensor to detect the biomolecular charge events with selective and high sensitivity. Keywords: Biosensor / Biomimetic / Molecularly Imprinted Polymer / Field-Effect Transistor / Impedance / Potentiometer / Polycatecholamine / Cell Sensing |
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ポリマーが織り成すニューラルネットワーク Polymer Wire Architect of Artificial Neural Networks |
赤井 恵 Megumi AKAI-KASAYA |
<要旨> Artificial intelligence (AI) consisting of deep-layered neural networks (NNs) is an incredibly exciting and powerful intelligent artifact, and is used to solve many real-world problems. The NN hardware having cognitive and learning abilities is now actively developed by using analog non-volatile memory devices. We perform a prototype construction of molecular NNs consisting of conducting polymer PEDOT:PSS. The PEDOT wire grows dendritically, and bridges between electrodes immersed in the monomer solution, which forms highly-controllable memristive wires. Typical conductance values between the electrodes were increased by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude when the PEDOT:PSS wires were fully grown between the electrodes. By using external learning controllers and in-situ conductance readout circuits, PEDOT wires can selectively be grown between appropriate electrodes. We demonstrated that the molecular neural network consisting of PEDOT:PSS wires acquired linearly-separable Boolean logical functions and auto-encoder, through the supervised and un-supervised learnings, respectively. These results may expand variety of present neuromorphic computing architectures designed mainly for solid-state CMOS devices. Keywords: Neural Network / Polymer Wire / Conducting Polymer / Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning |
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グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account |
高分子触媒ならではの境地へ Toward a Ground One Cannot Break Without a Polymeric Catalyst |
荒川 幸弘 Yukihiro ARAKAWA |
<要旨> My research life cannot be highlighted without polymeric catalysts for organic synthesis. Some unique catalyses as well as synthetic applications that are difficult to achieve by similar monomeric catalysts have been found through my PhD, postdoc, and current studies, which are recorded in this essay with my trivial experiences. |
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高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science |
ブロック共重合体材料の構造と物性 Recent Developments in Structure and Properties of Block Copolymer Materials |
櫻井 伸一 Shinichi SAKURAI |
<要旨> In this article, I review recent developments in structure and properties of block copolymer materials in terms of the following aspects: (1) Mechanical properties of sphere-forming block copolymers, and (2) optical properties of cylinder-forming block copolymers. Keywords: Block Copolymer / Mechanical Properties / Optical Properties / Thermoplastic Elastomer / Form Birefringence / Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering / Polarizing Optical Microscope |
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