高分子 Vol.67 No.6
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特集 動け!高分子
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
From the Synthesis of a Molecular Wheel to the First Nanocar Race
Gwénaël Rapenne・安原 主馬(和訳)
<要旨> 2017年4月28、29日、フランス・トゥールーズで世界で初めてのナノカーレースが開催され、オーストリア、ドイツ、日本、スイス、アメリカ、フランスから合計6チームの分子レーサーたちが集結し、熱い戦いを繰り広げた。ナノカーレースの開催は、科学者コミュニティのみならず広く一般にも報道され注目を集めた。本稿ではこのナノカーレースがいかに挑戦的な科学イベントであったかについて、フランスチームのGreen Buggyの例を中心に、トリプチセンによる分子車輪の合成からナノカーへの実装に向けた合成戦略を紹介したい。
Keywords: Nanowheel / Nanocar / Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon / Triptycene / Single Molecule / STM / Nanocar Race
Fundamental Features of F1-ATPase and Engineering Approach
野地 博行・上野 博史
Hiroyuki NOJI, Hiroshi UENO
<要旨> 生体内ではさまざまな分子モーターがダイナミックに動くことで、多彩な生命現象が生み出されている。その中でも回転分子モーターF1-ATPaseは結晶構造解析や1分子回転観察によりその回転の詳細が明らかになっている。本稿では、そのF1-ATPaseの基本的な回転特性と最新のエンジニアリング的試みについて紹介する。
Keywords: Molecular Motor / F1-ATPase / ATP Synthase / Single-Molecule Techniques
Alignment and Driving in Microphase Separated Structure by Light
永野 修作
Shusaku NAGANO
<要旨> 分子の動きをよりマクロスコピックな動きへと繋げるには、ナノスケールからマクロスケールへ、シームレスにつなぐ階層構造の構築が鍵を握る。フォトクロミック分子の「アゾベンゼン」と「液晶」をキーワードに、分子からマクロへ動きを階層的に伝搬する光機能を紹介し、液晶性アゾベンゼンブロック共重合体のミクロ相分離構造の光配向制御と配向挙動について述べる。
Keywords: Photoresponsive Polymers / Liquid Crystals / Photoalignment / Photomechanical Effects / Block Copolymers / Microphase Separated Structure
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
Sustainable Motion of Azobenzene Self-Assembly
景山 義之
Yoshiyuki KAGEYAMA
<要旨> Since the early part of this century, there have been studies on mechanical working materials. According to the author's standpoint, there are two kinds of behaviors. One is stimuli-responsive (stimuli-controlled) motion, and the other is autonomous motion. Although most researchers are studying stimuli-responsive materials, the author is interested in the dynamics of the latter, in which the material evades the maximization of its own entropy by self-organization. Previously, the author reported the self-oscillatory motion of azobenzene containing co-crystals. The crystal repeated a flipping motion under continuous blue-light irradiation. The sustainable motion results from the cycle of (1) trans-to-cis photoisomerization, (2) crystalline-crystalline phase transition, (3) cis-to-trans photoisomerization, and (4) phase transition to the original crystal. Such limit-cycle oscillation is key for the ability to conduct dissipative mechanical tasks. Aiming to create so-called smart materials, which accomplish mechanical tasks by molecular structural transition, the author claims that it is necessary to develop studies of autonomous behaviors with time-delayed chemical dynamics.
Keywords: Autonomous Motion / Dissipative Self-Organization / Chemical Oscillation / Reaction Cycle / Information Ratchet / Photoisomerization / Phase Transition / Molecular Assembly
DNA Origami Machines Move
葛谷 明紀
Akinori KUZUYA
<要旨> Since its development in 2006, DNA origami technique has realized various useful and sophisticated two-dimensional and three-dimensional nano-devices. “DNA origami machines” with particular movement is one of the latest fruit of the technique. This article briefly describes our “DNA origami pinching devices”, one of the earliest DNA origami machines, which can be used as a single-molecular visual detector for biomolecules.
Keywords: DNA Nanotechnology / DNA Origami / Molecular Machines / Allosteric Enzymes / Supramolecular Chemistry
Move, Amoeba-Type Molbot
佐藤 佑介・野村 M. 慎一郎
Yusuke SATO, Shin-ichiro M. NOMURA
<要旨> One of the major goals of the micro-nano technology is to realize a tiny-wet robot, which is assembled from the molecular devices such as sensors, actuators, and even logic circuits. Significant progress in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology has been enabled to modify biomolecules and apply them to the construction of sensors, actuators, and logic circuits. These molecular devices can be utilized as the components of a “molecular robot”. We constructed an ameba-like molecular robot capable of expressing continuous shape change in response to specific signal molecules. The robot includes a main body, an actuator, and an actuator control device (molecular clutch). When the clutch was engaged, the robot showed continuous shape change. And when the clutch was disconnected, it stopped. These results show that the components of the robot are consistently integrated into the functional system. We are expecting that this research can provide a platform for constructing increasingly complex and functional molecular systems with controllable motility.
Keywords: Molecular Robot / DNA Nanotechnology / Molecular Motors / Giant Liposome / Artificial Cell
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
No Pain, No Gain
澤田 敏樹
Toshiki SAWADA
<要旨> My research in graduate school was fortunately succeded by my trial and error approach. My unsophisticated research style as an academic might have been established in this period. In this essay, I would like to describe how I have developed my research with patience by my own style.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Structural Elucidation of Organic Polymer Materials by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
田中 真司・佐藤 一彦
Shinji TANAKA, Kazuhiko SATO
<要旨> Nuclear magnetic resonace (NMR) spectroscopy has been a powerful tool for structural elucidation of organic polymer materials since a long time. Solid-state NMR has suffered from drawbacks of low sensitivity and resolution owing to the chemical shift anisotropy, the dipolar coupling between nuclei typically seen in the solid state, although it provides a lot of information regarding the sturucture and dynamics of polymers in a nondestructive way. Recently, NMR spectroscopy with dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP-NMR) allows us to characterize the surface species on various materials including organic polymers. The DNP effect enhances the sensitivity of NMR by the microwave-driven polarization transfer of eletron spin polarization to nuclei. In this review, we highlight recent advances of the characterization of organic polymer materials by DNP-NMR.
Keywords: Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) / Solid-State NMR / Organic Polymer / Material / Radical