高分子 Vol.67 No.8
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特集 高分子はつらいよ ハードボイルド篇
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
Asymmetric Styrene Block Copolymer has High Elasticity and High Modulus as Elastic Materials
橋本 貞治
<要旨> 非対称スチレンブロック構造を有する熱可塑性ブロックポリマーによって、これまでになかった高強度、高伸縮性能を達成した。これにより伸縮フィルムとして薄膜化や軽量化が達成された。ミクロ相分離を従来と異なる方法で制御することで可能となったが、今後さらに要求される過酷な要求(耐熱、耐久、耐衝撃など)に対して今後どんな技術が必要なのか、展望を述べる。
Keywords: Styrene Block Copolymer / Living Anionic Polymerization / Asymmetric / Elastic Material / Sphere Morphology
High-Heat Resistant Biomass Polymer Film
上平 茂生・芳谷 俊英
Shigeki UEHIRA, Toshihide YOSHITANI
<要旨> 低炭素社会、資源循環型社会への要請の高まりから、バイオマスを利用する材料開発が精力的に行われている。ポリ乳酸に代表される材料入手性の高いものに加えて、イソソルビドポリカーボナートやポリエチレンフラナートのような性能に特徴のあるプラスチックの使用が広がってきている。本稿では、当社の開発したロジンを原料としたポリエステル・ポリアミドについて述べる。
Keywords: Biomass Polymer / Raw Materials for Non-Edible Plants / High Heat Resistance / Dehydroabietic Acid
Application Development of Syndiotactic Polystyrene Resin (SPS)
大久保 直人
<要旨> 日本発のエンジニアリングプラスチックスであるシンジオタクチックポリスチレン樹脂について、ほかのエンジニアリングプラスチックスにはない特性に優位性を見いだし、変化・成長する市場にターゲットを絞った用途展開状況について紹介する。
Keywords: Syndiotactic Polystyrene / Engineering Plastic / Appliances / Daily Necessities / Automotive
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
The Low Molecular Weight Polyarylate Resin as Epoxy Curing agent
村上 隆俊
Takatoshi MURAKAMI
<要旨> The low molecular weight polyarylate resin “UNIFINERTM” has been developed as epoxy curing agent. It has 3 key properties. First, it is possible to achieve higher heat resistance, lower dielectric constant and lower dielectric loss tangent of the epoxy resin. The phenolic end group type improves heat resistance of the epoxy resin, and the end-capped group type improves the dielectric properties of the epoxy resin. Second, it has reactivity with the epoxy resin. In the polyarylate region, not only the terminal phenol groups but also the ester bonds in the main chain reacts with the epoxy group of the main resin. Finally, it is soluble in general purpose solvents such as methyl ethyl ketone or toluene. The low molecular weight polyarylate resin is suitable for PCB material, CFRP prepreg, sealant and various applications.
Keywords: Polyarylate Resin / Epoxy Curing Agent
2層銅張積層板用ポリイミドPIXEO BPの開発
Polyimide Film for 2-Layer FCCL PIXEO BP
野尻 仁志
Hitoshi NOJIRI
<要旨> Compared to 3-layer FPC boards using epoxy type adhesive, 2-layer FPC boards are more reliable and have greater dimensional stability. PIXEO BP is a polyimide film that has adhesive layers of thermoplastic polyimide on either side of the core polyimide film and is used in 2-layer FPC boards. PIXEO BP is supported by three unique technologies. 1. The molecular design of the core polyimide and thermoplastic polyimide. 2. The coextrusion technology for two different polyimide precursors in a chemical cure process. 3. The lamination technology for polyimide and copper.
Keywords: Polyimide / Thermoplastic / 2-Layer Flexible Printed Circuit Board / Molecular Design / Coextrusion Technology / Lamination Technology
High Performance Polyphenylene Sulfide with Heat Resistance, Chemical Resistance and Self Extinguishing Property
山口 洋平
<要旨> Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) is one of super engineering plastics and has high heat resistance, chemical resistance and self extinguishing property. Utilizing its features, it is used as a metal substitute material in various fields. In this paper, we will introduce the recent research and development of PPS in DIC focusing on long-term durability, adhesiveness which is demanded by metal substitute.
Keywords: Polyphenylene Sulfide / PPS / Metal Substitute / Long-Term Durability / Adhesiveness
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
Learning from Failure
石原 伸輔
<要旨> My experinces learning from failure in school days and postdoc career have been described in this column. Important message is that failure make researchers more mature.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Supramolecular Materials Constructed by Peptide Self-Assembly
松浦 和則
<要旨> This review article describes recent progress in chemical strategies to design artificial peptide assemblies. Trigonal peptide conjugates were developed to construct virus-like peptide nanocapsules. Self-assembly of β-annulus peptide derived from tomato bushy stunt virus afforded artificial viral capsids, which can encapsulate and be modified with various molecules. Spatiotemporal control of peptide nanofibre growth was also achieved by photocleavage of a DNA-conjugated β-sheet forming peptide, which was applied to photoinduced propeling of liposome.
Keywords: Self-Assembly / Supramolecular Material / Trigonal Peptide Conjugate / β-Annulus Peptide / Artificial Viral Capsid / Photocleavage