What is SPSJ? SPSJ Major Meetings Foreign Enrollment Research Groups Publications International Meetings Polymer Nomenclature Awards World Polymer Organizations
Foreign Enrollment
Guide for Enrollment:
The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ) provides three kinds of memberships for foreign enrollments:

(1) Individual Member

(2) Student Member

(1) Individual Member

1) Membership A-1
 Receive a copy of SPSJ monthly publication "Kobunshi"(Japanese).

The summary of Periodicals
Individual Member's Fee:


[1]Enrollment Fee

[2]Member's Fee


[4]Lifting Charge for Bank Transfer or Check

Sea Mail

Air Mail (AIR)

Membership A-1

\ 1,500-

\ 11,000- / year

\ 7,000- / year

\ 11,000- / year

\ 6,000- / year

Note 1. The membership period runs from April 1, through March 31.
Note 2. Advanced payment is required.
Note 3. Kobunshi(12 issues)
Note 4. Postage is free, if you enjoy online subscription without book forms.
If you like to receive "Kobunshi" by sea mail, using a credit card to pay for,
[1]Enrollment Fee,[2]Member's fee and [3]sea mail postage will be required ([1]\1,500 + [2]\11,000 + [3]\7,000 = \19,500 total).

To Join the SPSJ as a Individual Member:
Online Application
For Additional information on SPSJ membership, contact the Membership Department,
Mail to:
Membership Dept.,
The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
Shintomicho Bldg., 3-10-9 Irifune, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0042,


(2) Student Member

1) Membership B-1
 Members (B-1) can read the contents of SPSJ monthly publication "Kobunshi" (Japanese) on the Web site.
The summary of Periodicals
2024 Student Member's Fee:


[1]Member's Fee


[3]Lifting Charge for Bank Transfer or Check

Sea Mail

Surface Air Lifted (SAL)

Membership B-1

\ 5,000- / year



\ 6,000- / year

Note 1. The membership period runs from April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025.
Note 2. Advanced payment is required.
Note 3. Kobunshi (12 issues)
Note 4. Postage is free, if you enjoy online subscription without book forms.
If you like to subscribe "Kobunshi", using a credit card to pay for,
Member's fee will be required \5,000.

To Join the SPSJ as a Student Member :
Online Application
For Additional information on SPSJ membership, contact the Membership Department,
Mail to:
Membership Dept.,
The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
Shintomicho Bldg., 3-10-9 Irifune, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0042,


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