POLYMERS Vol.62 No.1
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Conform to Its Shape 大越研人
<Abstract> This article is an overview of our investigations of smectic liquid crystal arrangements of rod-like helical polysilanes with narrow molecular weight distributions and their mixtures with different molecular weights. Some of the theoretically predicted molecular arrangements, e.g., the micro-segregated smectic phase with alternating thick and thin smectic layers rich in the long polymer and short polymer, respectively, were observed by synchrotron radiation small-angle X-ray scattering (SR-SAXS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) observations on the thin film surface. The formation of these unusual molecular arrangements are entropically driven because these liquid crystal formations of non-polar homopolymers conform mainly to their molecular shapes, not their specific intermolecular interactions. The future investigation of the fabrication of metal nano-wire grid polarizers using the smectic phase as an template is also disscussed.
Keywords: Liquid Crystal / Smectic Phase / Helical Structure / Polysilane / Entropy-Driven / Alignment Layer / Wire Grid Polarizer
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从小地方到大世界的奋斗记-从事生物材料和绿色技术领域 福岛和树
<Abstract> I describe here what I would like to do with an own group recently launched by exploiting my experience and expertise that I have acquired for the last four and a half years in the U. S.. For research, I will work on exploring organic catalysts to enable ring-opening polymerization of lactide in bulk and to show stereoselectivity at ambient condition. Development of functional biodegradable polymers will also be addressed for application in bulk biomaterials such as scaffolds for regenerative medicine. My research style will be oriented toward emphasizing patents and collaboration with industries not only for commercialization but also for the local community based on my past work experience. For education, especially in English studies, I would like to have students learn how to communicate and socialize with people rather than just how to speak English. Finally, I would like to try many things from research to social activities with enthusiasm and ambition leading my small but promising group.
Keywords: Polymer Synthesis / Ring-Opening Polymerization / Biodegradable Polymers / Organic Catalysts / Self-Assembly
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超分子主体的设计与原位聚合 石田康博
<Abstract> In supramolecular liquid crystals, molecules are confined in peculiar environments, where ordered alignment and certain mobility are realized at the same time. Considering these characteristics, the idea of multi-component liquid crystal as zeolite analogue seems quite reasonable. Taking advantages of their characteristic properties, such as structural order, certain mobility of molecules, and easy access to various components, we have succeeded in applying two-component liquid crystals as chiral organic frameworks for selection, sensing, and transformation of small organic substrates.
Keywords: Liquid Crystals / Supramolecular Chemistry / Cross-Linking / Template Reactions / Host-Guest Chemistry / Chiral Recognition
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具有特殊性能的纳米生物材料的开发与医疗领域中的应用 冈村阳介
<Abstract> Much attention has recently been focused on the research field of nanotechnology. Nano-sized structures with a large specific surface area (m2/g) in devices lead to high reaction efficiencies on the interfaces. As a result, size, weight and cost of the devices are reduced. For example, ultra-thin films (nanosheets) have been developed as novel nanoseparation membranes and flexible nanosensors for electrochemical and photochemical applications. However, it may be hard to use them for biomedical applications due to complicated preparative methods. In our laboratory, we develop innovative and unique nanobiomaterials for medical applications by simple methodologies based on macromolecular chemistry and molecular assembly. Especially, we investigate the relationship between properties of the nanobiomaterials (shape, size, thickness, interface and viscoelasticity etc.) and their potential abilities.
Keywords: Macromolecular Chemistry / Molecular Assembly / Nanobiomaterials / Drug Delivery / Nanosheets / Nanoparticles
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不惑之年之际 竹内大介
<Abstract> Our recent research results on controlled synthesis of polymers with cyclolalkane groups by transition metal catalysts, novel dinuclear transition metal catalysts for olefin polymerization, and synthesis of novel cyclic oligomers and polymers are briefly summarized. Prospective research views based on these results are also mentioned.
Keywords: Cyclopolymerization / Cycloolefin Polymers / Transition Metal Catalysts / Olefin Polymerization / Cyclic Oligomers
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新材料应该拥有新而特殊的功能 中野幸司
<Abstract> I have started to manage a laboratory at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in 2012. My main research topic is the development of new high-performance organic materials using sophisticated organic synthesis. In here, I will describe my research policy as a principal investigator.
Keywords: Organic Materials / Organic Synthesis / π-Conjugated Molecule / Polymerization Catalyst
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<Abstract> We research new organic materials using polymer chemistry. Concept of our new research group is “Polymer Chemistry for ???”, in which ??? results from discussions with students and collaborators. Now, our group consists of 3 divisions; environmentally benign polymer synthesis, smart coating for bone regeneration, and design of new inducer of RNA transcription for the genetically-modified Escherichia coli. We also welcome new members having interest in organic chemistry, environmental chemistry, and biotechnology.
Keywords: Polymer Chemistry / Polyester / Room-Temperature Polycondensation / Bone-Regeneration / Smart Coating / Glycoconjugate / Biosynthesis / Biotechnology
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通过界面协同效果来控制的高分子复合体的物性 鸟饲直也
<Abstract> The physical properties and structures of polymer composites are examined to control them using interfacial synergy produced at the involved material interface. At present, the polymer composites with solid particles and the composite polymer thin films on flat substrates are studied as a main research subject. In this study, the polymer physical and chemical adsorption on the solid particles or flat substrates is utilized to produce interfacial synergy in each system, since the polymer adsorption could produce a great variety in the chain conformation, surface coverage, adsorbed amount, etc., of the polymer adsorbed at the interface. The physical properties of these polymer composites are investigated by producing different situation in interfacial properties with the adsorbed polymer. Moreover, the up-to-date scattering techniques with neutron and synchrotron X-rays are applied for structural observation on these polymer composites to understand their physical properties at the molecular level.
Keywords: Interfacial Synergy / Soft-Matter Composite / Polymer Adsorption / Solid Particle / Flat Substrate / Polymer Composite / Polymer Thin Film / Neutron and X-Ray Scattering
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为了开发有趣的手性高分子 前田胜浩
<Abstract> My research interest has been engaged by chiral polymers, especially helical polymers, since I started my career as a researcher. In this essay, I would like to describe my present works and my future aspirations.
Keywords: Chiral Polymer / Helix / Amplification / Memory / Polymer Solar Cell
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合成聚合物化学中的研究精神 工藤宏人
<Abstract> Research of the Kudo Group in Kansai University focuses on the synthesis of novel functional materials and refining their physical properties. The synthesis of non-linear polymers such as hyperbranched polymers, graft polymers, cyclic polymers, and star-shaped polymers and their physical properties are examined. Furthermore, new dynamic covalent chemistry systems are also examined for the synthesis of three dimensional cage molecules. The application for UV-curing materials, high-resolution resist materials, high- and low-refractive index materials, and refractive-index change materials are investigated using various synthesized functional polymers.
Keywords: Synthesis / Polymer / Dynamic Covalent Chemistry / Resisit / Refractive-Index / UV-Curing
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为了高分子物性基础论的进一步发展 古贺 毅
<Abstract> In this article, I first report my research experience on polymer physics. Then, I describe future research plans of my research group on the flow properties of associating polymers, the physical properties of gels, and the structure formation of block copolymers. Finally, I also discuss the possibility of novel statistical-mechanical formalism for polymeric systems including atomistic details.
Keywords: Polymer Physics / Statistical Mechanics / Computer Simulation / Phase Separation / Rheology / Associating Polymers / Physical Gels / Block Copolymers
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打破常识的常人思路 松浦和则
<Abstract> I moved as a full professor to Tottori University at 1st April 2012, and started my new laboratory with five excellent students. My previous investigations are based on layman’s ideas, that broke scientific common sense. I would like to pioneer in a novel field of biochemistry such as molecular robotics and synthetic biology in the near future based on other “layman's idea”.
Keywords: Layman’s Idea / Synthetic Virus / Molecular Robotics / Synthetic Biology
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精密甘氨酸共聚物的设计与合成及其生物功能的控制 三浦佳子
<Abstract> Polymers with molecular recognition abilities are investigated. The polymers with pendant saccharides, called “glycopolymers”, have been reported to show the strong molecular recognition abilities to the sugar recognition protein due to the multivalent effects. In order to develop the glycopolymers with higher functionalities, I have focused on the polymer properties. The glycopolymers are prepared with living radical polymerization, and the molecular recognition abilities are able to be tuned by molecular weight and sugar densities. The hybrid glycopolymers via living radical polymerization are able to be applied to biosensors and bioseparation. In addition, the molecular recognitions are also investigated with polymer nanoparticles. In the polymer nanoparticles, the 3D-structure and physical properties are facilely controlled, and not only saccharide structure but also polymer properties are shown to be important in molecular recognition abilities. In the future experiment, the polymers with molecular recognition abilities will be investigated by featuring polymer techniques and properties.
Keywords: Molecular Recognition / Glycopolymer / Polymer Nanoparticle
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守 破 离 大坪才华
<Abstract> 研发活动可以由“守破离”三个阶段来描述,即,学习基本原理,打破传统,放弃固定观念。我想通过科学打造 “舒适而惬意”社会!
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聚丙烯材料的现在与未来 木全修一, 萩原英昭
<Abstract> 由于优异的性价比,成型加工容易,重量轻(低密度)等优势,在广泛的应用领域中我们发现聚丙烯材料无处不在,它已是所有聚合物中我们最熟悉最普遍的材料之一。本文介绍了聚丙烯材料在国际市场上中的现状以及对以往和当前研发活动进行了综述。尽管聚丙烯已是一种普及日化品,但其技术仍以诸多研究人员的不断努力,一步一步地进行着进化。
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