高分子 Vol.62 No.4
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特集 新時代の照明に活躍する高分子
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
照明用白色有機EL デバイスの開発動向
Development of White Organic Light-Emitting Devices for General Lighting
笹部 久宏・城戸 淳二
Hisahiro SASABE, Junji KIDO
<要旨> 1993年に世界で初めて開発された白色有機ELデバイスは、当初、電力効率1 lm W-1、寿命1日に充たない夏の夜空に飛ぶ蛍のような儚い光源だった1)。誕生から20年を経た今日、著しく性能が向上し、一般照明への応用が期待されている。本稿では新時代の照明として期待される白色有機ELデバイスの最新開発動向について述べる。
Keywords: Organic Light-Emitting Device / General Lighting / High-Performance / Phosphorescent Materials / Low Driving Voltage / Multiphoton Emission Device / Charge Generation Layer / Molecular Orientation
ライティングアート エンターテインメント: Lighting Art Entertainment
夢と感動を演出する光のデザイン ―ライティング・オブジェ2012の照明より―
Design of light that produces the dreams and excitement:
The example of the lighting of “Lighting Object 2012”
仁木 洋子
Yoko Luna NIKI
<要旨> Every Japanese has a memory of viewing the full moon. I am to integrate into our work on such items as lighting and producing shapes the attractiveness and images associated with the “transitions” of the moon, which is an important element in designing space.
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
有機EL 照明の現状と今後の展望-リン光有機EL 照明の開発-
Latest Trends and Challenges in OLED Lighting Technologies
岩崎 利彦
Toshihiko IWASAKI
<要旨> We report recent progress and future prospects of OLED lighting based on KONICA MINOLTA’s development activities. We have been working on two approaches, vacuum thermal evaporation and solution processing, to make white OLED lighting using proprietary blue phosphorescent technology. In 2011, the world's first all-phosphorescent OLED lighting panel was brought into market, which has been the best candidate technology to achieve the attractive performance as the lighting application, especially considering efficacy.
On the other hand, we demonstrated the feasibility of the solution-processed OLED technology by showing unique OLED lighting prototype fabricated by the roll-to-roll R&D line in 2010. Though solution-processed OLED has potential for high productivity and large-scale fabrication capability, it is widely believed that the device performances fabricated by the solution process are inferior to that of vacuum process so far.
In this paper, recent OLED performance using our new blue phosphorescent material by vacuum process and the overview of solution processed OLED development are discussed.
Keywords: Organic Lighing Emitting Diode / White OLED Lighting / Phosphorescent Material / Vaccum Thermal Evaporation / Solution Process / Roll-to-Roll Process
Thermally-Conductive Polycarbonate Compound
井野 慶一郎
Keiichiro INO
<要旨> Polymer materials have lower thermal conductivity than metal materials and ceramics. Therefore, polymer materials are used as thermal insulations. Polymer materials are used for various products because of excellent injection moldability. These days, electronic devices are increasingly using highly efficient semiconductors. Calorific value of an electronic device increases with the miniaturization of semiconductors, and its high integration. To maintain the performance of an electronic device, a sufficient cooling system is required. For test results, the 6 mm interval of the radiating fin - fin is desirable. Thermally conductive polycarbonate composite has a thermal conductivity of 4.0 - 11.0 W/m・K. The effective range that
performs heat conduction is 25 mm at the maximum, 25 mm height of a radiating fin is desirable. Around 3 mm thickness of a radiating fin is desirable, and around 5 mm thickness of the base cast by the side of a LED module is desirable to secure a heat current way, and for injection moldability.
Keywords: Thermally / Conductive / Polycarbonate / Composite / Radiate / LED / Moldability
LED リフレクタ用耐熱性ポリアミド樹脂
Heat-Resistant Polyamides for LED Reflectors
田村 興造
<要旨> Genestar™, a PA9T-based heat resistant polyamide, is widely used as a reflector for LED packages due to its good mold-ability, heat resistance, and light resistance. We believe Genestar™ and its new polymer, with superior resistance against heat and light, will help LED to be a standard light source for lighting applications.
Keywords: LED Reflector / Polyamide / Heat Resistance / Light Resistance
LED 照明用光拡散ポリカーボネート
Light Diffusion Polycarbonate for LED Lighting
中石 英二
<要旨> Sumika Styron Polycarbonate Limited developed light diffusion grade SD POLYCA™ LD2050 series, which have excellent light transmittance and diffusion properties for applications in the LED lighting field.
Keywords: LED Lighting / Light Diffusion / Polycarbonate
光散乱導光ポリマーとLED 集光レンズ
Design of LED Condenser Lens Using HSOT Polymer
篠原 克徳
<要旨> This introduces highly efficient controls of LED Condenser Lens over light distribution angles, which utilizes scattering characteristics of Highly Scattering Optical Transmission Polymer and applications to LED down lighting.
Keywords: Polymer Lens
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
Professional Grow from Green Ideas
麻生 隆彬
Taka-Aki ASOH
<要旨> Having good ideas is one of the most important things for researchers. Is my approach a green idea? What should be done about it? I believe that professional grows up from green idea by making continuous efforts.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Transformation of Cellulosic Biomass into High-Value-Added Chemicals for Polymers
原 亨和
Michikazu HARA

<要旨> Emerging trends in chemical industry are prompting sustainable production of useful chemicals, including polymers and new materials, from renewable cellulosic biomass. This requires at least two chemical processes: hydrolysis of cellulosic biomass into mono saccharides and tranformations of monosaccharides into useful chemicals. However, efficient transformations of cellulosic biomass and monosaccharides are no easy task. Here, we demonstrate efficient cellulosic biomass transformation into heterocyclic aldehydes by novel heterogeneous catalysts.
Keywords: Cellulosic Biomass / Monosaccharide / Hydrolysis / Heterocyclic Aldehyde / Heterogeneous Catalysts
