高分子 Vol.62 No.7
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特集 自己修復材料の新展開
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
Self-Healing Supramolecular Materials
原田 明
<要旨> シクロデキストリン(CD)を有するポリマーとゲスト分子を含むポリマーとを水中で混合したり、CDモノマーとゲストモノマーとの共重合により、ゲルが生成した。このゲルはナイフなどで切断しても切断面を接触させることにより、接合し修復することを見いだした。刺激応答性のゲストを用いると、修復を制御することができることを明らかにした。
Keywords: Self-healing / Self Organization / Gel / Cyclodextrin / Host-Guest Interactions / Stimuli-Responsive / Sol-Gel Transition / Supramolecular Polymer
Self-Healing Fiber Reinforced Polymer
真田 和昭
Kazuaki SANADA
<要旨> 繊維強化高分子材料(FRP)の用途は幅広い分野に拡大し、FRPの安全性・信頼性確保に対する社会的要求が非常に高まっている。そこで、FRP自体に損傷を自己修復する機能をもたせようとする研究が活発に行われている。本稿では、自己修復性繊維強化高分子材料の国内外における開発動向と界面剥離自己修復性FRPの研究例について紹介する。
Keywords: Composite Material / Microcapsule / Interfacial Debonding / Self-Healing
Healing Phenomena by Molecular Diffusion
山口 政之
<要旨> 高分子物質はからみ合い相互作用により、ガラス転移温度以上の温度域で自己治癒特性を示すことが知られており、クラックヒーリングなどと呼ばれている。これらは、加熱して傷を治癒する方法と溶媒処理により傷を治癒する方法に大別される。また、ダングリング鎖に富む緩い架橋体であれば特別な処理を施さなくても自発的に自己治癒特性を示す。
Keywords: Entanglement Couplings / Dangling Chain / Thermal Healing / Solvent Healing / Weak Gel
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
Development of Optically Healable Materials Using Polymer-Microparticle / Liquid-Crystal Composite Gels
山本 貴広・吉田 勝
<要旨> A novel optically healable material was developed from a microparticle/liquid-crystal composite gel containing a small amount of a photochromic azobenzene dye. The composite with appropriate particle concentrations existed in the gel state in the nematic phase owing to the formation of particle networks in the host liquid crystal. We demonstrated the photochemical repairing of a damaged section of a particle/liquid-crystal gel by the site-selective gel-sol transition induced by the photochemical modulation of the host liquid-crystal phases.
Keywords: Liquid Crystals / Colloids / Gels / Self-Assembly / Self-Repearing Materials / Photoresponsive Materials
Self-Healing Polymer Hydrogel
原口 和敏
<要旨> A nanocomposite hydrogel (NC gel) consisting of a unique polymer/clay network structure, can exhibit complete self-healing through autonomic reconstruction of crosslinks across a damaged interface. Mechanical damage in NC gels can be repaired without the use of a healing agent, and even sections of NC gels separated by cutting, from whichever the same or different kinds of NC gel, perfectly (re-)combine by just contacting the cut surfaces together at mildly elevated temperatures.
Keywords: Self-Healing / Hydrogel / Nanocomposite Gel / Mechanical Property / Clay / Organic-Inorganic Network
Recyclable Rubber Material Designed with Introducing Hydrogen Bonding and its Application
岡松 隆裕・松田 淳
<要旨>Vulcanized Rubber has been used in many application such as Tires, Belts and Insulation materials. The excellent physical properties mainly depend on the network structure. However, this structure also results in the problem that recycle is not easy. Our recent R&D reveals that introducing hydrogen bonding units introducing into the rubber structure solves the trade-off relations between physical properties and recyclability of vulcanized rubber. The most effective hydrogen bonding unit was shown to consist of the maleic anhydride and heterocyclic amines, in particular, carboxylic acid and amidotriazole groups. The Stress-Strain curve of Isoprene rubber modified with hydrogen bonding units is corresponding to the sulfur vulcanized rubber, so that this technology was considered to be useful for existing markets with better recyclability. An application to the puncture-less tire for wheelchairs is shown here as a typical example.
Keywords: Thermoreversible Polymer / Hydrogen Bonding / Recyclable Material
Scratch Resistant Clearcoats Based on Polyurethane Technology in Automotive Coatings
重森 友和
<要旨>The wide variety of clear coatings has been adopted in automotive industry. Polyurethane clear coatings were established as one of the important technologies that achieve excellent film appearance, durability and chemical resistance. Clear coats have been required to improve not only film appearance, etch resistance but also scratch resistance. Scratch resistant clear coatings based on polyurethane technology have already entered the market. These clear coatings meet great scratch resistance caused by high cross-linked film with polyols and polyisocyanates. Polyisocyanates crosslink the polymer and have an influence to heal the scratch-damages. Especially, high functional polyisocyates are strongly effective to achieve excellent scratch resistance.
Keywords: Clear / Scratch / Automotive / Urethane / Isocyante / Functionality / Hydrogen Bond
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
Crossing the Bridge
藤井 修治
<要旨> Looking back on how I arrived at the idea of “structural rheology”, the rheological behavior coupled with the structure change induced by the external fields. We are developing new topics in the non-equilibrium soft matter physics. Crossing the bridge explores new directions in my research topic.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
ゲルおよび高分子の3D プリンタに関する10 の話題
10Topics about 3D Printer for Gels and Polymers
古川 英光
Hidemitsu FURUKAWA

<要旨> 3D printing has attracted public attention for quite some time already in Japan. It was probably triggered by “Makers: The New Industrial Revolution”, written by Chris Anderson, translated into Japanese in October, last year. Although the author had started the development of 3D gel printing in 2009, he did not expect that such a boom would come. What is going on?
Keywords: Synthesis / Processing / UV Irradiation / Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printer / 3D Scanner
