高分子 Vol.63 No.7
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知悉高分子结构分析的原点 –纪念世界结晶年2014-
结晶学研究的先驱-寺田寅彦与中谷宇吉郎 神田健三
<Abstract> 恰逢世界结晶年2014,介绍了在结晶学中为世界贡献了卓越成就的两位日本科学家,寺田寅彦与中谷宇吉郎. 寺田在X射线结晶学的黎明期进行了各种重要的先驱性实验,在Nature杂志上寄稿了Letter两次,向世人展示了其先驱性的研究成果,获得了与同一时期的Bragg博士几乎同等的结果. 还有受到寺田熏陶的中谷在后续的研究中世界首次地成功制造出人工雪,成功地解明了雪的结晶形态与成长时的条件的相关关系.
Keywords: IYCr2014 / X-Ray Crystallography / Torahiko Terada / Ukichiro Nakaya / Snow Crystal
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高分子结晶的特异性 梶 庆辅
<Abstract> 本文触及了线性高分子结晶的特征及重要物性,还解说了工业上重要的融体结晶化机构的新概念. 融体在晶化诱导期因伸长链的取向摇摆而引发微相分离,其结果有两种类型. 在高温侧的双节型环境中通常形成球状晶体,而在低温侧的亚稳态中生成多数微小球晶. 从材料的高性能化的角度来看,后者的亚稳相晶化更具重要意义.
Keywords: Polymer Crystals / Crystallization Mechanism / Induction Period / Phase Separation / Binodal Crystallization / Spinpdal Crystallization / High Performance Materials
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电子显微镜与高分子结晶 矶田正二
<Abstract> 为了解明高分子的微观结构的多样性,尤其是发现了单晶以来,电子显微镜在高分子材料的结构分析方面,以及在高分子研究的进展方面作出了巨大贡献. 本文解说了电镜与高分子结晶的相关研究背景,并对其历史背景进行了概述,还有对最近各种各样的使用电镜的高端研究成果及今后的研究拓展进行了说明.
Keywords: Polymer Crystals / Electron Microscopy
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超高强度高分子结晶晶格的直接观测研究 村濑浩贵
<Abstract> PBO fiber is the strongest organic fiber in the world. Direct observation of crystalline lattices was investigated in the PBO fiber using transmission electron microscopy(TEM). The density fluctuations giving a four-point type scattering on small-angle X-ray scattering(SAXS) have attracted the attention of many researchers. The combination of lattice images and defocused images elucidated the origin of the density fluctuations. The high density regions show a positional coincidence with the lattice fringes in the TEM micrographs and this highly suggests that the intriguing SAXS pattern originates from the density difference between the crystalline regions and the non-crystalline disordered regions.
Keywords: Crystalline Lattice / TEM / Lattice Image / Deforcused Image
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以广角中子衍射数据为基础的高分子结晶结构分析的最前沿 田代孝二
<Abstract> The most advanced state of crystal structure analysis of polymer substances has been reviewed on the basis of wide-angle neutron diffraction (WAND) data. Several case studies have been used to extract the hydrogen atomic positions in the unit cell, which are indispensable in the most reliable theoretical estimation of ultimate mechanical properties of polymer crystals as a guiding principle to develop the polymer materials with more excellent mechanical properties. These 2D WAND data were collected using a BIX-3 system of JRR-3 and also an i-BIX system of J-PARC, Tokai-mura, Japan. The organized combination of WAND data with high-energy synchrotron wide-angle X-ray diffraction data has been found to give the most accurate crystal structure information as exemplified for the cases of polyoxymethylene and poly(L-lactic acid). Another utilization of neutron scattering is also pointed out for the studies of molecular motions in the phase transitions, chain aggregation state in the melt, and so on.
Keywords: Wide-Angle Neutron Diffraction / Crystal Structure Analysis / Hydrogen Atomic Positions / Ultimate Mechanical Property / High-Energy Synchrotron Wide-Angle X-Ray Diffraction / Polyethylene / Polyoxymethylene / Poly(L-lactic acid)
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以X射线结晶分析的方法来感知控制信号传输的微弱相互作用 禾 晃和
<Abstract> Most protein molecules are localized at particular compartments within the cell and their mobilities are more or less restricted due to the molecular crowding effects. For instance, membrane proteins can diffuse only two-dimensionally because they are confined in the lipid bilayer. It is therefore presumed that even low-affinity protein-protein interactions should be effective for regulating physiological functions of membrane proteins whereas they cannot be detected by biochemical binding assays using solubilized protein molecules or fragments. In contrast, X-ray crystallography can be applied to the detection of such weak interactions in some cases since functional oligomeric assemblies or physiologically-relevant superstructures are sometimes reproduced in the crystal packing. The significances of crystal packing interactions can be examined by combining a wide range of structural biology methods including nuclear magnetic resonance, small-angle X-ray scattering, electron and light microscopy. In general, such multidisciplinary approaches are accepted as “integrated structural biology” and are expected to elucidate structures and dynamics of protein molecules in action.
Keywords: X-Ray Crystallography / Signal Transduction / Membrane Protein / Protein-Protein Interactions / Integrated Structural Biology
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高分子科学与我: 个人独白
我的所好 押村美幸
<Abstract> From when I was assigned to the laboratory until now, my motivation for my study is a “what I like” approach. Spreading my interest, I’ve been broadening my study areas, luckily.
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圆偏振光增强光子学 藤木道也
<Abstract> Circularly polarized electromagnetic wave is currently utilized in several mobile telecommunication systems in 1-12 GHz region, including ETC, GPS, and satellite broadcasting. Recently, several optically active materials and devices have been realized directed toward high-performance circularly polarized absorption, reflectance, and emission modes in UV-visible region. The present review highlights recent developments in gigantic enhanced chiroptical materials and devices operating at UV-visible region. Moreover, this review showed uniqueness of circularly polarized light in the animate nature. Understanding modern chiral photonics and the animated nature are promising in a wide range of circularly-polarized oriented applications, including white-light backlight, laser, nonlinear optics, biosensors, FET, controlled plant growing, elucidation of photosynthesis mechanism, practical absolute chiral photosynthesis, and a possible answer to homochirality question on Earth.
Keywords: Circular Dichroism / Circularly Polarized Luminescence / Animated Nature / Telecommunication / Chiral Photonics / Absolute Asymmetric Synthesis / Homochirality / Structural Coloring / Chirality / Helicity
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