高分子 Vol.65 No.4
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特集 広がる膜分離の世界
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
Innovative Water Treatment by Forward Osmosis Membrane Process
松山 秀人・安川 政宏
<要旨> 自発的な水の移動現象を利用する究極的な省エネルギー水処理技術として、正浸透膜(Forward Osmosis Membrane、FO膜)法が注目を集めており、海水淡水化、排水濃縮、浸透圧発電などへの応用が期待されている。ここでは、FO膜プロセスに不可欠な要素技術であるFO膜と駆動溶液(DS)の研究開発動向とともに、FO膜プロセスを紹介する。
Keywords: Forward Osmosis Membrane / Water Treatment / Draw Solution / Zero Liquid Discharge / Pressure Retarded Osmosis
Bio-Inspired Membrane
馬越 大
<要旨> 生体膜と人工膜の境界領域に位置付けられるBio-Inspired膜という視点から、関連する膜材料研究を展望したうえで、とくに、モデル生体膜であるリポソームを基盤とするBio-Inspired膜に関する研究について概説する。
Keywords: Bio-Inspired Membrane / Artificial Membrane / Biomembrane / Membranome / Liposome / Self-Assembly
Past, Present, and Future of Polymer Membranes for Gas Separation Applications
永井 一清
Kazukiyo NAGAI
<要旨> 膜分離は、ナノサイズよりも小さな気体分子同士を膜を透して分離するという革新的な技術であり、学術的価値も高い。しかし、膜ができてもモジュール化ができなければ利用できず、経済的なプロセスに基づくプラントが建設できなければ実用化できない。産業界の総合力が問われる分野でもある。本稿では、高分子膜による気体分離について概説する。
Keywords: Polymer Membranes / Gas Separation / Gas Purification / Solution-Diffusion Mechanism / Solubility Selectivity / Diffusivity Selectivity / Molecular-Sieving
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
Development of Low Water Production Cost Desalination Technology
黒川 秀昭
<要旨> For decreasing the water production cost, two types of low cost desalination systems were developed. One is the integrated sea water reverse osmosis and Sewage reuse system, the other is the high recovery RO system. Integrated system was developed at Kitakyusyu Water Plaza and supported by NEDO. The feature of this system is to mix the treated sewage with the sea water for the feed of desalination system. This system can reduce the salinity of the feed water and the energy of RO system can be reduced. As the results of the verification, about 30% of water production cost could be reduced in comparison with conventional RO desalination system. High recovery RO system is also proposed for reducing the water production cost using optimum plant configuration. This system can increase the water recovery from 40% to 60%. By the trial calculation, approximately 15% of OPEX and CAPEX are reduced respectively. We will pursue to reduce the water production cost by the system optimaization.
Keywords: Desalination / Reverce Osmosis / High Recovery / Low Water Production Cost / Sewage Reuse / System Optimization / Membrane
アクアポリンの1/f ゆらぎと水分子透過
1/f Fluctuation and Water Permeation of Aquaporins
山本 詠士・泰岡 顕治
<要旨> Aquaporins (AQPs) are transmembrane water channels that exclusively transport water molecules across the plasma membranes. Using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations for a system of AQP1/water molecules/lipid bilayer, we investigated the effects of conformational fluctuations of amino acids on water pemeation within AQP1. We found that the amino acids exhibit 1/f fluctuations, indicating possession of long-term memory. In this case, water molecules crossing the ar/R region obey a non-Poisson process. Moreover, we performed restrained MD simulations of AQP1. In restrained MD simulations, the fluctuations of amino acids show white Gaussian fluctuation, and water molecules crossing the ar/R region obey a Poisson process. These results suggest that 1/f fluctuations of amino acids generate the non-Poisson water permeation within AQP1.
Keywords: Aquaporin / Molecular Dynamics Simulation / 1/f fluctuation / Non-Poisson Process / Water Molecules / Cell Membrane
CO2 Separation Membranes and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
谷口 育雄
<要旨> An explosive increase of atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gas, particularly CO2, causes global warming and climate change. One of the effective solutions should be mitigation of CO2 emission through the air by Carbon Capture and Storage, CCS. CO2 is separated over other gaseous components at the mass emission sources, such as thermal power plants, and then stored under ground or seabed after transportation by pipeline or tanker truck. For implementation of CCS, the capture cost should be drastically reduced, which is equivalent to develop novel CO2 capture technologies with much lower energy consumption. Among various CO2 capture technologies, membrane separation is promising because difference in pressure or chemical potential between feed and permeate sides drives the separation, and basically additional energy, such as heating in liquid amine scrubbing technology, is not required at all. A number of CO2 separation membranes have been investigated, and herein, the recent progress and the potentiality of membrane separation in CO2 capture are reviewed.
Keywords: Carbon Capture and Storage / CO2 / Gas Separation / Membrane / Permeability
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
Can I Believe Myself ?
神谷 由紀子
<要旨> A variety of ups-and-downs experiences in my research on biopolymer such as protein, oligosaccharide, and nucleic acids make my research life fruitful. This personal account describes the author's own experience including the research topics and episodes.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Visualization of Membrane Fouling
丸山 達生
<要旨> Although polymeric membranes have been widely used as separation and purification techniques in various industries, the membrane separation technique still suffers from a severe problem, “membrane fouling”. Recent progess in microscopy and fluorescent labeling allows visualization of membrane (bio)fouling and provides the microscopic information. A confocal laser scanning microscope is a powerful tool for the visualization of a cake layer in membrane fouling, especially in membrane biofouling. Membrane-internal fouling caused by soluble foulants can be visualized by fluorescent microscopy with fluorescent labeling of foulants. These microscopic analysis provides the spatial, time-dependent and component information of membrane fouling, which helps our understanding for membrane fouling and also leads to an effective strategy to clean a fouled membrane.
Keywords: Membrane Fouling / Biofouling / Polymeric Membrane / Visualization / Protein / Polysaccharide