高分子 Vol.68 No.1
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特集 世界につながれ!高分子研究者
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
Banking Beautiful Snow!
角田 貴洋
Takahiro KAKUTA
<要旨> My research career started with the goal to make new materials for wind instruments. In here I describe why I chose polymer chemistry and supramolecular chemistry, including research on joyful and difficult things.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Neighborhood of Surface and Interface in Polymer Thin Films Recognized by Nanoimprint Technology
中川 勝
<要旨> This review describes the presence of three layers in polymer thin films, named neighborhood of film surface, film inside, and neighborhood of film interface contacted to a substrate. The presence of the three layers was indicated through nanoimprint technology. Sequential infiltration synthesis and saturated vapor infiltration with a reactive inorganic precursor allowed organic/inorganic hybridization of polymer thin films on substrates and indicated the presence of the three layer in thermoplastic and photo-cured polymer thin films from elemental mapping of hybridized polymer thin films by scanning transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy. More detailed understanding of the polymer thin films affected by processes will lead to the development of reliable nanofabrication technology including nanoimprint technology.
Keywords: Polymer Thin Film / Surface / Interface / Nanoimprint / Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy / Energy Dispersive X Ray Spectroscopy / Sequential Infiltration Synthesis / Saturated Vapor Infiltration