高分子 Vol.70 No.10
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特集 前進するDNA,RNA研究
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
Breakthrough in Nucleic Acid Chemistry Research
岡本 晃充
Akimitsu OKAMOTO
<要旨> 核酸化学は、核酸合成や顕微鏡技術の進展とゲノム生物学知見の蓄積にともなって、短期間に飛躍的に成長した。本稿では、近年とくに進捗した核酸化学研究の中から、四重鎖機能解析研究、核酸イメージング研究、DNAオリガミ研究、核酸医薬研究について取り上げ、それらの最近の発展について紹介する。
Keywords: Nucleic Acid Synthesis / Microscopy Techniques / Genome Biology / Nucleic Acid Chemistry / Quadruplexes / Nucleic Acid Imaging / DNA Origami / Nucleic Acid Medicine
Photon-Driven DNA Nanomachines
浅沼 浩之・村山 恵司・神谷 由紀子・樫田 啓
<要旨> 近年DNAはナノマテリアルとしても注目を集めており、その超分子性を利用したさまざまなナノ構造体やナノマシンが設計されている。これらはDNAの配列特異的な二重鎖形成が利用されているので、二重鎖形成と解離を光照射のみで可逆的に制御可能な光応答性DNAが設計できれば、ほぼすべてのDNAナノアーキテクチャーを光駆動型分子マシンに変換可能である。
Keywords: DNA / Nanoarchitecture / Nanomachine / Photo-Regulation / Azobenzene / Stilbene / DNAzyme
Synthetic RNA Systems
川﨑 俊輔・齊藤 博英
Shunsuke KAWASAKI, Hirohide SAITO
<要旨> 遺伝子発現や細胞の機能を制御する上で重要な役割を担うRNAは、DNAやタンパク質と同等に生命現象を司る上で必須の分子である。その理解の深まりとともに、RNAを人為的に設計・操作して生命そのものの機能を制御しようという試みが進められている。本稿では、その中から近年注目を集めている人工RNAに関連する研究について紹介する。
Keywords: RNA / Non-Coding RNA / mRNA / Synthetic Biology
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
Terminal Sequence-Specific Interparticle Force between DNA Duplex-Carrying Colloidal Particles Examined by Optical Tweezers
金山 直樹
<要旨> The dispersion behavior of DNA duplex-carrying colloidal particles in aqueous high-salt solutions shows extraordinary selectivity against the duplex terminal sequence. We measured the interparticle force between DNA duplex-carrying microparticles (dsDNA-MPs) in aqueous salt solutions with a dual-beam optical tweezers with the two optically trapped dsDNA-MPs closely approaching each other. The results demonstrated the occurrence of interparticle attraction between dsDNA-MPs only when the duplex terminal was a complementary base pair under high-salt conditions.
Keywords: DNA / Colloidal Particles / Interparticle Force / Force-Distance Curve / Terminal Sequence-Specificity / Optical Tweezers
Active Control of Rod-Shaped Gold Nanoparticles Using DNA Brushes
三友 秀之
Hideyuki MITOMO
<要旨> DNA is a biopolymer carrying genetic information in our body, and also a functional material with various unique properties. In the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, DNA is used as one of the key materials for the construction of designed nanostructures not only through the sequence-dependent hybridization but also by functional templating. On the other hand, metal nanoparticles are also an attractive material that shows unique properties, such as localized surface plasmon resonance. Their configurations in nanoscale are important for their plasmonic properties. Therefore, to actively control their assembled structures as a configuration, the combination of metal nanoparticles with polymer materials is an effective approach. In this article, recent progress in our group in active control of rod-shaped gold nanoparticles in DNA brushes as a scaffold is introduced.
Keywords: DNA Brushes / Gold Nanoparticles / Active Control / Surface Plasmon Resonance
Folding and Use of DNA: From Higher Order Structures Control of DNA to Cancer Therepy
長田 健介
Kensuke OSADA
<要旨> The structure of the material for the blueprint of life was disclosed 50 years ago. The entire nucleotide sequence of the material was revealed 20 years ago, and now we can use DNA to cure diseases. Dealing with DNA as a macromolecule, here we show the higher order structures of DNA, its formation, its control, and its use to treat cancer.
Keywords: DNA Folding / Polyion Complex / Gene Delivery / Polyplex Miclles
Non-Equilibrium Phenomena of Genetic Polymers and the Origin of Life Problem
前多 裕介・白井 瑞穂
Yusuke T. MAEDA, Mizuho SHIRAI
<要旨> Living systems are characterized by replicating genetic polymers storing information. How self-replicating systems emerge is a fundamental question from physics to biology. However, in thermal equilibrium systems, the structure of molecules and chemical reactions occur at random, implying that functional polymers such as DNA/RNA were hardly produced at thermal equilibrium conditions. Therefore, the dynamics of DNA/RNA in non-equilibrium conditions are essential to understand the potential origin of genetic polymers at the early stage of life. Here we discuss a new strategy to the origin of life problem, based on non-equilibrium soft-matter physics. We describe the molecular transport and sorting of DNA/RNA by non-equilibrium transport under a temperature gradient, the ligation reaction with crowding effects, and the exponential growth of genetic polymers driven by thermal convection.
Keywords: Non-Equilibrium Transport Phenomena / Origin of Life / Temperature Gradient
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
Unending Exploration in the Expanding World of Macromolecules
渕瀨 啓太
<要旨> I have always tried to develop simple and convenient methods to precisely synthesize polymers with desired molecular structures. My and our exploration in the expanding world of macromolecules will never end. New macromolecular structures must provide us with limitless possibilities to develop macromolecular materials with yet undiscovered properties and functions.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
DNA-Based Biosensing and Cell Manipulation
有馬 祐介
Yusuke ARIMA
<要旨> DNA nanotechnology has been used as an experimental toolbox for biomedical applications due to its ability to design sequence and chemical modification. In addition to hybridization of DNA with its complementary sequence, recent progress in aptamers enables us to design DNA sequences that specifically bind to target molecules (small molecules, ions, proteins). The modification with DNAs extends from biosensors to living cells. In the latter case, engineering of cell surfaces with DNAs allows for cell manipulation including control of biological responses, cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion, and sensing of the cellular microenvironment. This review describes recent progress in DNA-based biosensing and cell manipulation.
Keywords: DNA / Hybridization / Aptamer / Biosensing / Cell Surface Modification / Cell Manipulation