高分子 Vol.72 No.3
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特集 ガスを通すか通さぬか、それが問題だ
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
敵の敵は味方?! 酸素を通すレンズの奮闘
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend? History of Oxygen Permeable Materials Research
伊藤 恵利
<要旨> 『酸化』を避けたい多くの製品のため、酸素を遮蔽する研究が重ねられ、さまざまな技術が生み出されている。一方、視力補正用医療機器であるコンタクトレンズにおいては、実用化されて以降、より高い酸素透過性を目指した素材研究が重ねられてきた。技術傾向との解離の中で、進化してきた酸素透過性素材の系譜と未来への期待値に関して述べる。
Keywords: Contact Lens / Cornea / Oxygen Deficiency Oxygen Permeability / Silicone / Gel / Small-Angle Scattering / Phase Separation
Gas Barrier Technologies for Flexible OLEDS
向殿 充浩
Mitsuhiro KODEN
<要旨> スマートフォン用ディスプレイを中心に大きく市場拡大しているフレキシブル有機ELは水分などによって容易に劣化するデバイスであるため、水蒸気透過率で10-5~10-6 g/m2/day台の非常に高いガスバリア性が求められる。フレキシブル有機ELにおけるガスバリアの考え方や手法を概説する。
Keywords: Gas-Barrier Flexible OLED
Gas Barrier of Plastic Food Packaging
永井 一清
Kazukiyo NAGAI
<要旨> パッケージの「未開封」の状態は、商品の安全安心の証しである。用途ごとに求められるガスバリア性がランク付けされており、それに適合するプラスチックフィルムが用いられている。本稿では、パッケージを取り巻く社会情勢とともに、おもに食品に用いられるパッケージ用プラスチックとガスバリア機能について述べ、同産業と研究の将来展望を論じる。
Keywords: Plastic Food Packaging / Gas Barrier Film / Food Waste / Food Loss / Recycling of Plastics / Single-Use Plastics / Gas Transmission Rate / Water Vapor Transmission Rate
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
UV Cut Film from Lignin and Clay Mineral with Controllable Gas Transmittance Nature
敷中 一洋
<要旨> In this topics, I present a UV cut film consisting of lignin, an aromatic plant polymer, and clay mineral, an inorganic polymer from clay, with controllable gas transmittance nature. Here, lignin is extracted from plants by simultaneous enzymatic saccharification and comminution (SESC). The combination of clay mineral and lignin results in transparent films with a UV protective property because of the UV absorption nature of lignin. The preparation procedure of the films including the extraction process of components did not require hazardous chemicals. The optical properties and gas permeability of the films could be tuned by the phase separation structure of the clay minerals and lignin derivatives, e.g., the montmorillonite, a natural clay mineral, and lignin produces films with moisture/gas transmittance ability. The present film uses mineral and plant components as high-value industrial materials and reduces the environmental load of extracting limited petroleum-based resources.
Keywords: Plant Biomass / Lignin / Clay Mineral / Composite Film / Water-Gas Transmittance Nature / Gas Barrier Property
Method for Controlling Gas Permeability by Double Packaging
渡辺 英毅
<要旨> This paper describes a method for keeping the qualities of vegeables such as asparagus high. It is well known that modified atomosphere packaging can expand the shelf life of asparagus. It is important to keep O2 concentration abobe the limit that is around 5%. O2 concentration abnormity occurrs due to temperature change while stored. We found that double packaging can control the O2 concentration change speed in a smaller range compared to single packaging that is caused by temperatuer change. Double packaging can avoid O2 concentration abnormity easily.
Keywords: Asparagus / Modified Atomosphere Packaging / Double Pachaging / Gas Permeabirity
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
With All My Gratitude
権 正行
Masayuki GON
<要旨> I wonder when I wanted to be a chemist. This came to my mind while I received the request to write this column. Since I was in my childhood, I have always loved adventures. I took a small “journey” in my decision for chemistry. Even now, I continue this “journey” with all my gratitude.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Progress in Ionomers
三輪 洋平
Yohei MIWA
<要旨> Recent progress in ionomers is described in this review. In ionomers, ionic groups aggregate with each other and form nanosized aggregations that physically crosslink the polymer chains. Therefore, enhancement of the mechanical strength of polymers was the main motivation for introduction of ionic groups into polymers in past studies. On the other hand, the reversible property of the ionic crosslinks in ionomers is more in focus in recent studies. The design of dynamic ionic networks that autonomically rearrange is one of the important progress in ionomer research. Such dynamic networks enable self-healing and toughening in ionomers. In this review, the perspective of ionomers isdiscussed.
Keywords: Ionomer / Ion / Elastomer / Crosslink / Self-Healing / Network