POLYMERS Vol.72 No.6 |
>> Japanese |
COVER STORY Elucidation of Polymerization Reactions and Efforts to Precisely Control Structures |
It is difficult to understand or clarify polymerization reactions due to their ambiguous steps and intermediates. However, with the advances in analytical methods, ideas about initiation, propagation, and termination reactions have started to become clearer. For example, the structure of both termini has been clarified, and the shape of a single molecule has been confirmed through direct visualization. These advances led to re-reporting of previously accepted theories on the polymerization reaction mechanisms. Herein, this issue focuses on the polymerization reactions that have now been clarified and places emphasis on research for the precise design of materials that are able to start a polymerization due to the mechanism elucidation. In particular, we will try to introduce new polymerization techniques to synthesize new polymers with precisely controlled architectures, such as new polymerization reactions, monomer sequence polymerization, and new elucidations of polymerization reactions. Editors: T. NISHIMURA, ISHIWARI, KAMIKAWA, and NISHINA |
Digest for English Readers | 258
Hot Topics in Polymer Science in SPSJ | 261
Awards for Encouragement of Research in Polymer Science; The Society of Polymer Science, Japan 2021 |
Commentary |
Toward the Future of Precision Polymerization | Toyoji KAKUCHI | 262
COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews |
Rapid Synthesis of Middle-Size Biomolecules Comprising of a Repeating Structure | Yasuhito KOYAMA | 263 |
Advances in Polymerization of Aromatic Acetylenes | Tsuyoshi TANIGUCHI, Tatsuya NISHIMURA, Katsuhiro MAEDA | 267 |
Organic Synthesis of Medium Molecules: Electrochemical Amide Bond Formations | Yohei OKADA | 271 |
PolyMANGA | 275 |
COVER STORY: Topics and Products |
Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account |
Number of Moves | Keiji MURAYAMA | 282
Messages: “Work and Life” |
Life is an Experiment | Takafumi UENO | 283
Front-Line Polymer Science |
Multicomponent Supramolecular Nanobiomaterials | Sayuri L. HIGASHI, Masato IKEDA | 284
Material Technologies from Industries |
Precision, Long-Chain DNA Synthesis is a Key Technology for Realizing the Bioeconomy | Naoki MIYAMOTO, Kenji TSUGE | 288
Messages from SPSJ | 290 |
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