高分子 Vol.60 No.2
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特集 単一分子分光法 ―高分子試料のナノ世界をかいま見る新手法―
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
Nanoscale Dynamics of 3D Network Formation in Polymeric Materials: Evaluation by Tracking Individual Motions of Guest Dyes
伊都 将司・宮坂 博
Syoji ITO and Hiroshi MIYASAKA
Keywords: Single Molecule Tracking / Network Formation / Crosslinking / Fluorescence Detection
Structural Conformation and Photophysical Properties of Conjugated Polymer Molecules
羽渕 聡史・Martin VACHA
Satoshi HABUCHI and Martin VACHA
Keywords: Conjugated Polymer / Single Molecule / Fluorescence Microscopy / Conformatioin / Exciton Migration / 3 Dimensional Anisotropy / Super Resolution Microscopy
Learning Glass Transition Using Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy
雲林院 宏
Hiroshi UJI-I
Keywords: Polymer / Glass Temperature / Glass Transition / Glass Temperature / Single-Molecule / Defocused Imaging
Structural Analysis of an Individual Polymer Chain by Single Molecule Detection
青木 裕之
Hiroyuki AOKI
Keywords: Single Molecule / Single Polymer Chain / Conformation / Fluorescence / Super-Resolution Technique / Near-Field Optical Microscopy
単一分子蛍光分光法によるDNA およびタンパク質の構造変化のダイナミクス
Conformational Change Dynamics of DNA and Protein Studied by Single-Molecule Fluorescence
崔 正權・真嶋 哲朗
Jungkweon CHOI and Tetsuro MAJIMA
<要旨> DNAやタンパク質などの生体高分子の機能と構造は密接に関連しているので,生理条件下で機能発現のために実行されているそれらの構造変化のダイナミクスを正確に理解することは非常に重要である。最近の光科学および光技術の飛躍的発展から,単一分子レベルでのDNAやタンパク質の構造変化のダイナミクスの研究が可能になっただけでなく,より複雑な生命現象も単一分子レベルで研究できるようになってきた。本稿では,多様に発展してきた単一分子蛍光分光法と最近の研究例を紹介し,将来の単一分子蛍光分光法についても展望する。
Keywords: Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy / Conformational Change Dynamics / DNA / Charge Transfer / Protein Folding / Protein-Protein Interaction
トピックス COVER STORY:Topics and Products
A Single-Molecule Photoswitch Using Fluorescent Photochromic Molecules
深港 豪・入江 正浩
Tsuyoshi FUKAMINATO and Masahiro IRIE
<要旨>Fluorescent photochromic molecules, which have both photochromic and fluorescent chromophores in a molecule, have attracted increasing interest because of their potential applications to optical memories, molecular switches, fluorescent biological markers and super-high resolution fluorescence imaging. Here, we report on the progress of our research to detect and analyze the fluorescent photoswitching at a single-molecule level.
Keywords: Photochromism / Diarylethene / Fluorescence / Photoswitching
Elucidation of the Primary Events of Cell Signaling Favored by Quantum-Dot Single Molecule Imaging
石川 満・ヴァスデヴァンピライ ビジュ
Mitsuru ISHIKAWA and Vasudevanpillai BIJU
<要旨>Here we highlight a recent achievement of revealing association of two EGF-EGFR to form (EGF-EGFR)2 and dissociation of (EGF-EGFR)2 into each EGF-EGFR in a reversible manner. This observation is favoured by the use of quantum dot labeling persistent against photobleaching, shedding light on the cell signaling mechanism activated by (EGF-EGFR)2.
Keywords: EGFR / EGF / Fluorescence / Single Molecule / Quantum Dot
Single-Photon Emission Behavior form Single Conjugated Polymer Chains
増尾 貞弘
Sadahiro MASUO
<要旨>The relationship of molecular weight (MW) and chain conformation to single-photon emission from single conjugated polymer chains was investigated. We demonstrated that the probability of single-photon emission increased with decrease in the spatial size of the polymer chain.
Keywords: Conjugated Polymer / Single-Photon / Antibunching / Single Molecule
Single-Molecule Spectroscopy of a Structural Change of a Protein
小井川浩之・藤芳 暁・出羽毅久・南後 守・松下道雄
Hiroyuki OIKAWA, Satoru FUJIYOSHI, Takehisa DEWA,
Mamoru NANGO, and Michio MATSUSHITA
<要旨>Temperature dependence between 5 and 18 K of the spectral jump of individual B800 pigments in a light-harvesting 2 complex, revealed structural change of the complex occurring at a rate independent of temperature. The process is ascribed to tunneling of a proton of hydrogen bond at the pigment binding site.
Keywords: Single-Molecule Spectroscopy / Spectral Jump / Proton Tunneling / Hydrogen Bond / Binding Site / Light-Harvesting 2 Complex
グローイングポリマー Growing Polymers: A Personal Account
Ethos Fosters Serendipity
黒川 孝幸
<要旨> In order to foster serendipity of students, what can professors do?
Load to Educator
藤ヶ谷 剛彦
Tsuyohiko FUJIGAYA
<要旨> I was dreaming to bring up young students since I was a student. And, luckily, 10-years’ training led to my dream at the west end of Japan. The story is about the precious meetings with my seniors and small stories about my works.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Simulation for Dynamics of Polymers
増渕 雄一
<要旨> A review on the state-of-the-art in simulation of polymer dynamics is given, with the particular focus on coarse-graining techniques, rare-event simulations, multi-scale simulations and special purpose hardwares. The number of publications on polymer simulations has been being constantly increasing reflecting the progress in the modeling and the computational technology. Indeed, the coarse-graining is essential for polymer simulations for the reduction of calculation costs. Further, as a recent development the coexistence of particles with different level of coarse-graining has been realized. The modeling for rare-event simulations has also been developed for some problems, which cannot be dealt with the coarse-graining techniques. In combination with the coarse-graining, the multi-scale simulation (which utilizes couples of simulations in different descriptions of the system) is another key concept to cover the broad temporal and spatial range of the problems in polymer science. The use of special hardware such as GPU is a new trend in computational technology and is being imported to polymer simulations.
Keywords: Polymer Dynamics / Simulations / Coarse-Graining / Multi-Scale Simulations