高分子 Vol.63 No.12
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单链高分子的自组作用 吉川研一
<Abstract> 生物体的基因分子一般具有很长的长度, 约为毫米厘米级, 这样长的DNA分子与分子生物学中的一般DNA不同, 具有显著的高分子的特性. 本文介绍了单一DNA分子的折叠结构, 一分子链相分离, 细胞尺寸混杂效果等热门话题. 并且预测了合成高分子中也可以实现这些同样的特性.
Keywords: Genomic DNA / Single Macromolecules / Self-Organization / Nano-Ordered Structure / Folding Transition / Micro-Confinement
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光敏液晶高分子的协同作用 关 隆广
<Abstract> 侧链型液晶高分子具有较为强烈的分子取向特性, 故侧链的分子运动具有介观或宏观的运动特性, 本文对偶氮苯的液晶高分子动态特性从分子取向, 物质移送,运动作用等角度进行了概述.
Keywords: Liquid Crystalline Polymers / Photoresponsive Films / Azobenzene / Linearly Polarized Light / Photoalignment / Photo-Driven Migrations / Photomechanical Effects
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利用超分子相互作用的新型温度敏感性高分子的开发 佐田和己, 小门宪太
<Abstract> 我们利用了超分子化学设计的自我聚集性较高的聚合物, 通过添加与媒质与高分子亲和性较高的第三成分, 展示了高分子的温度敏感性的简便可控性, 并提出了温度敏感性高分子的一种新的分子设计方法.
Keywords: Thermo-Sensitive Polymer / Supramolecular Interaction / LCST(Lower Critical Solution Temperature) / UCST(Upper Critical Solution Temperature) / Solubility / Hydrogen Bond / Charge Transfer Interaction
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由聚集性高分子看高分子的各种特性 古贺 毅
<Abstract> 高分子链上具有很多会合基团的聚集性高分子通常因分子内部的聚集而抑制其类高分子的一些特性, 但是通过外部刺激等因素解除这种束缚时, 显示出戏剧性的物性变化. 本文介绍了这些与聚集性高分子相关研究例子.
Keywords: Associating Polymer / Intramolecular Micelle / Force-Elongation Relation / Rheology / Shear Thickening / Shear-Induced Gelation / Shake Gel / Molecular Simulation
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活性超分子聚合研究 衫安和宪, 大城宗一郎, 竹内正之
<Abstract> 活性聚合的学术产业中的巨大影响已被证实. 对于超分子聚合物, 若能实现活性超分子聚合, 那将在超分子聚合物的发展历史中带来飞跃. 本文介绍了活性超分子聚合研究的最新例子.
Keywords: Supramolecular Polymerization / Living Polymerization / Far-from-Equilibrium Thermodynamic Systems
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利用螺旋高分子的动态特性的手性分子识别材料的研究 前田胜浩
<Abstract> Here we describe a unique polyacetylene-based chiral stationary phase (CSP) whose elution order can be reversibly switched. The macromolecular helicity was induced in a polyacetylene bearing 2,2’-biphenol-derived pendants in the solid state as well as in solution by noncovalent interactions with a nonracemic alcohol through significant amplification of the chirality, which could be retained even after complete removal of the alcohol. The helical handedness of the polymer could be further reversibly switched in the solid state upon interaction with the opposite enantiomeric alcohol and its subsequent removal, which enabled this polymer to be the first switchable CSP for HPLC.
Keywords: Helical Polymer / Memory / Chiral Stationary Phase / Enantioseparation / Chiral Discrimnation
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利用具有电荷π电子系列化合物的规则排列的尺寸可控性聚集体的制备研究 前田大光
<Abstract> Arrangement of well-designed charged π-electronic systems in ordered structures is highly important for the introduction of multiple π-systems in supramolecular assemblies. Ion binding enables the fabrication of charged π-systems by complexation of electronically neutral π-systems with (inorganic) ions. In fact, anion complexes of anion-responsive π-systems have been found to provide various ion-based assembled structures as supramolecular gels and thermotropic liquid crystals by combination with appropriate cationic species. Derived from favorable overlap of charged π-planes, ion-based materials with the contributions of charge-by-charge and charge-segregated arrangements provided effective charge carrier mobilities, showing semi-conductive properties. Highly ordered arrangement of charged π-electronic systems has been found to be a key factor to exhibit the enhanced performance as fascinating electronic materials.
Keywords: π-Electronic Systems / Ion Binding / Soft Materials / Supramolecular Assemblies
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Tetra-PEG胶体物性与聚合物链的相关关系 酒井崇匡, 片岛拓弥
<Abstract> Polymer gels are swollen 3D polymer networks. Because a polymer network consists of polymer chains connected by crosslinks, the physico-chemical properties of polymer gels are inherently related to those of a polymer chain. However, the full understanding of these relationships have been inhibited by the inherent heterogeneity of polymer networks. In this paper, in order to discuss the relationship between the mechanical properties of polymer gels and the single polymer chain, we utilize Tetra-PEG gels, which are polymer gels with well-controlled network structures. The ultimate elongation ratio of the Tetra-PEG gels increased with increases in polymer volume fraction and degree of polymerization of network strands, and was independent of the connectivity. These results do not obey the Kuhn model, in which the principal concept is based on a single polymer chain. We propose a new semi-empirical model, where the initial length of a network strand is not defined only by the degree of polymerization of a network strand, but influenced by the polymer volume fraction.
Keywords: Tetra-PEG Gel / Polymer Gels / Ideal Network / Ultimate Elongation Ratio
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以光控制分子聚集的研究 矢贝史树
<Abstract> Diarylethenes have rarely been used in the design of photoresponsive molecular assemblies featuring a well-defined morphology transition because of rather small structural changes upon photoisomerization. We demonstrate that a supramolecular design based on the parallel conformation of diarylethenes enables the construction of photoresponsive dye assemblies that undergo a remarkable nanomorphology change. The parallel conformer of diarylethene was stabilized by cooperative stacking of perylene bisimide dyes through complementary hydrogen bonds. UV/Vis spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, and molecular modeling showed that our diarylethene and perylene building blocks coassembled in nonpolar solvent, affording well-defined helical nanofibers comprising dimeric J-aggregates of perylene dyes. Upon irradiating the coassembly solution with UV and visible light in turn, a reversible morphology transition between nanofibers and nanoparticles took place. Furthemore, our system involves the generation of a new self-assembly pathway by means of photocontrol.
Keywords: Supramoleuclar Polymer / Functional Dye / Photochromism / Self-Assembly / Hydrogen Bond / Nanostructures / Supramolecular Chemistry
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高分子科学与我: 个人独白
凭着感觉走 平井悠司
<Abstract> Now I’m satisfied with my research situation, which is the results of leaving my life to intuitions. My research will be moving ahead at an accelerated pace by the beautiful nature of Hokkaido and my students.
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利用]π共扼分子的有机场效应晶体管研究的最前沿 森 裕树, 西原康师
<Abstract> Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) have gained considerable interest as the key elements for realizing future ubiquitous electronics because they have a large number of advantages such as the flexibility, light-weight, and ease of design. In this article, recent material developments in this field, including phenacene-type molecules, thienoacene derivatives, and a series of donor-acceptor (D-A)-type polymers, are summarized. Phenacene-type molecules possess a low HOMO level and a wide band gap. Recently, among phenacene-type molecules, picene, [6]phenacene, and [7]phenacene have been recognized as unique molecules because using them high field-effect mobility in the transistors can be realized. In addition, in some cases the FET properties were found to be highly improved by an incorporation of alkyl chains to the parent motif and one can expect to apply these molecules to a solution-process owing to a high solubility in common organic solvents. Furthermore, recent progress of diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) and isoindigo (IID)-based D-A polymers showing high mobility are introduced.
Keywords: Phenacene / Organic Field-Effect Transistors / High Mobility / p-Channel Characterictics / Picene / Cross-Coupling / Polymers
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