高分子 Vol.66 No.4
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特集 高分子科学のはじまりと未来
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
学問としての「高分子」誕生前夜 古川 安
<要旨> 高分子説に至るまでの科学界におけるポリマーの構造に関する理解の変遷を辿る。初期のポリマーとコロイドの概念、Kekulé、Fischerの大きな分子の概念、分子量測定値、Wo. Ostwaldのコロイド学説、分子間力の考え、X結晶学、会合体説などを概説し、最後にStaudingerの研究スタンスをそれらと対比して論じる。
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
I am what I Experience
Tomohiro SHIRAKI
<要旨> The title of this article expresses the basic idea of my life. I, therefore, have been continuing to challenge myself and have experiences that help me grow personally. Representative events in my career are described herein, which include turning points on my way as a chemist. They do show who I am.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Element-Block Polymers using Elemental Arsenic
井本裕顕・田中 進・中 建介
Hiroaki IMOTO, Susumu TANAKA, Kensuke NAKA
<要旨> Recent work on the organoarsenic-containing element-block polymers is reviewed. This review firstly describes several practical synthetic methods for As-C bond formation without volatile arsenic intermediates, i.e., radical ‘bismetallation’ to carbon-carbon triple bonds based on homolytic cleavage of organoarsenic homocycles, in-situ generated organoarsenic nucleophiles and electrophiles from the organoarsenic homocycles. These practical methods can produce a variety of organoarsenic-containing element-blocks, such as 1,4-dihydro-1,4-diarsinines, 9-arsafluorenes, 2,5-diarylarsoles, and dithienoarsoles. Their stability toward air and moisture was great enough to allow their handling in air. The present review also describes unique coordination behaviors of the organoarsenic-containing element-blocks with transition metals. The experimental results suggest that the flexibility of the bond angles around the arsenic center is an inherent property in the present organoarsenic compounds, and the flexibility might be a main reason for the stabilization of the strained conformations, enabling synthesis of unusual complexes, and showing unique properties. Synthesis and properties of the organoarsenic-containing element-block polymers are also surveyed.
Keywords: Element-Block Polymers / Organiarsenic Compound / Arsafluorene / Arsol / Metal Complex