高分子 Vol.72 No.12
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特集  高分子を支える分析技術の進歩:局所構造分析特集
展望 COVER STORY: Highlight Reviews
Cryo-EM Observations of Soft-Materials
濵口 祐
<要旨> 透過型クライオ電子顕微鏡(クライオTEM)による高分子材料の観察および構造解析では、液状試料を非晶質状態に凍結し、そのまま液体窒素温度下において観察することで、液体状態に近い状態での構造観察が可能である。また、有機溶剤などでも(一定の条件下において)非晶質状態での試料凍結を実現することができるため、有機溶媒系の試料についてもクライオ観察することが可能となりつつある。
Keywords: Cryo-Electron Microscopy / Soft-Materials / Micelle / Surfactants
Polymer Nanomechanics by Atomic Force Microscopy
中嶋 健
<要旨> 本稿では原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)に関連した最新の話題を概観する。その際、筆者が今年参加したMultiFrequency AFMという国際会議での体験談の形をとらせていただく。3D-AFM,FM-AFM,AM-FMモード、高速AFM、シミュレーション技術、粘弾性計測など、高分子の研究に応用できそうなAFMの最新技術を紹介する。
Keywords: Atomic Force Microscopy / Frequency-Modulation AFM / High-Speed AFM / Viscoelastic Measurement
トピックス COVER STORY: Topics and Products
Highly Spatial-Resolved SEM-EDS Imaging Analysis of Nanocarbon Materials
中島 秀朗・岡崎 俊也
<要旨> Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a type of elemental analysis used universally. Due to its wide scanning field of view, it is particularly suited to the evaluation of heterogeneities in bulk materials. However, the spatial resolution of SEM-EDS is usually limited to approximately 1 mm by electron scattering, which makes imaging analysis of nanomaterials composed of light elements (i.e., C and O) difficult. Recently, we have successfully improved the spatial resolution of SEM-EDS analysis to below 10 nm, enabling high-precision imaging evaluation of the surface state of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Here, we briefly introduce the CNT material and explain the developed high spatial resolution SEM-EDS technique.
Keywords: SEM / EDS / CNT
Nanoendoscopy AFM for Visualizing the Inside of Living Cells
福間 剛士
Takeshi FUKUMA
<要旨> Understanding biomolecular nanodynamics inside living cells is key to elucidating fundamental mechanisms of various life phenomena. However, nanoscale phenomena directly observable by the current technologies are very limited. Since atomic force microscopy (AFM) is the only method that allows direct observation of the nanodynamics of proteins in liquid, it is one of the most promising candidates to solve the aforementioned problem. However, previous high-resolution bio-AFM imaging was mostly performed to observe the biomolecular systems reconstructed on a solid substrate. Thus, it has often been questioned if the results truly represent the intracellular structures or dynamics. To overcome this limitation, we recently developed nanoendoscopy AFM, where a needle-like probe is inserted into a live cell, and the force applied to the probe is detected for visualizing intracellular nanodynamics. Here we introduce the basic principle of this method and examples of its applications.
Keywords: Atomic Force Microscopy / Nanoendoscopy AFM / Live Cell Imaging
In-situ STEMによる接着界面の破壊過程の観察
Exploring the Bonding Mechanism of Adhesive Interfaces through in-situ Failure Analysis by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
堀内 伸
<要旨> The nano-scale failure behaviors of joint interfaces were investigated using an in-situ straining technique under a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). This technique allowed us to observe the propagation of cracks with high spatial resolution. We used a specially designed specimen holder to subject the thin sections of bonded interfaces to tensile loading. We observed the deformation process in the nanometer scale, including pre-cracking before deformation and crack initiation at the crack tip. We investigated the failure of aluminum alloy (Al5052) and epoxy adhesive. These investigations aimed to demonstrate the different stages prior to macroscopic fracture of the interfaces. An innovative in-situ straining technique, coupled with high-resolution and high-contrast imaging by STEM, enabled us to observe micro deformations preceding crack propagation, microvoid formation prior to crack progression, and failure of the surface-modified layer on the aluminum surface.
Keywords: In-Situ STEM / Bonding / Interface / Crack / Fracture
Multi-Scale Analysis for Membrane Electrode Assembly of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell by Electron Microscopy
有田 竜馬・池本 祥・宇部 卓司
Ryoma ARITA, Sachi IKEMOTO, Takuji UBE
<要旨> Polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFC) are expected to be successful as one type of the technologies to realize the carbon neutral energy generation for mobility without emitting CO2 gas. The understanding of complex microstructures of the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) as the key component of the PEFC is the essential to improve its power generation ability. Ultra-low acceleration voltage scanning electron microscopy (ULV-SEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) can reveal the microstructures of a MEA in multi-scale, i.e., from the micron scaled overall structure of the catalyst layer to the atomic scaled catalyst materials. Especially, focused ion beam (FIB) – SEM serial-sectionning and STEM tomography techniques provide three-dimentional micro-structural information of an MEA, which directly relates to the transport phenomenon of gas, water, protons and electrons. In this report, we demonstrate some results of multi-scale analysis for the MEA of PEFCs by SEM and STEM.
Keywords: Carbon-Neutrality / PEFC / MEA / ULV-SEM / STEM / Fuel Cell / Tomography / Multi-Scale
グローイングポリマー Polymer Science and I: A Personal Account
Eyes on the Inside
平田 豊章
Toyoaki HIRATA
<要旨> When I realized the joy of “seeing” the invisible molecular world through the eyes on the inside based on the experimental results of spectrocopic techniques, my career as a researcher started. Now, I will continue trying to contribute to the development of polymer chemistry, even if only in a small way.
高分子科学最近の進歩 Front-Line Polymer Science
Recent Progress in X-ray Phase Tomography
百生 敦
Atsushi MOMOSE
<要旨> Conventional X-ray imaging and tomography that rely on X-ray absorption contrast are routinely used to visualize inner structures. However, absorption contrast has a drawback that the sensitivity to materials consisting of low-Z elements, such as polymers and biological tissues, is poor. X-ray phase imaging and tomography have attracting attention because the sensitivity to low-Z materials are considerably improved because the phase interaction is much larger than the absorption interaction. Here, recent progress in this field is reviewed especially by introducing hierarchal X-ray phase tomography performed for human organs and tensor tomography applied to a CFRP sample. The former enabled viewing the entire body of organs and zooming up to the cellular level at any local position. The latter enabled three-dimensional visulalization of fiber orientation without resolving each fiber.
Keywords: X-Ray CT / Phase Contrast / Tensor Tomography / CFRP