72nd SPSJ Annual Meeting
Apply for Presentation
Term: 10:00 December 13th - 15:00 Januruary 10th
10:00 13th Decembery, - 15:00 10th Januruary Open!!
Presentation form
The presentation are 3 patterns usually, "Oral presentation", "English oral presentation", and the other is "Poster presentation" in General Topics.
We accept the presentation, according to a classify of general theme. In rotation, theme of this year is as follows tables; However, we request to change the presentation type cause of the place, or something problem. The decision, please leave it to the steering committee.
General Topics
When application was completed succcessfully, you get a mail.
If e-mail does not reach 3 hours later after finishing application,please contact us.
Please leave to the steering committee, the adoption or rejection of the application and the program organization.
When three oral presentation or more from the same laboratory is consecutive, we might move part to the poster presentation.
Announce of Program
Please E-mail to contact when mail doesn't reach even if it becomes February 15.
About the copyright
The copyright of data for the WEB opening to the public belongs to Society of Polymer Science, Japan as well as Preprints.