Home > Call for Papers
Key Dates
Application for Presentation Deadline:
January 16, 2023 January 25, 2023 (Japan time)
Payment Deadline:
January 16, 2023 January 25, 2023 (Japan time)
Manuscript Submission: March 2, 2023 - March 20, 2023 (Japan time)
Planned Publication Date of Preprints: July 4, 2023
Notice: For COAUTHORS and ATTENDEES except presenters, registration will open from March 15, 2023.
Instruction for Presenters
Step 1. Registration
Each presenter needs registration before applying for presentation. Please acquire a registration number (IPC2023-****).
Step 2. Payment
Please pay registration fee by January 16, 2023 January 25, 2023. Payment of registration fee is required for each presenter.
Step 3. Apply for Presentation
After registration number (IPC2023-****) acquisition, please register your presentation information. After Step 1. registration, you require to apply for presentation.
Step 4. Submission Manuscript
Please upload your one-page manuscript between March 2, 2023 and March 20, 2023.
Submission: Convert the MS Word manuscripts into Adobe PDF documents and upload to the website. Only PDF documents are accepted for Preprints.
PDF file version should be over Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0. It must be under 1.0M.
The file must be named by half-width alphanumeric characters. Do not cut off an extension(.pdf).
Choose Security for your PDF file “NON”.
Please embed fonts.
Step 5. Preparation for Presentation
Oral presentation
LCD projectors are available in each session room, but not equipped with laptop computers. Please bring their own laptop computers for presentation.
Standard HDMI cable is also equipped in each session room. If their laptop computers have no standard HDMI port, presenters need to supply their own adaptors to connect their laptop computers to the standard HDMI cable.
Poster presentation
The size of a Poster Display Board for each poster presentation is 900 mm wide and 2100 mm high.
All posters should feature a title, your name, and the name of the institution where the research was parformed.
Step 6. Presentation on the day
Oral presentation
Speakers are kindly requested to arrive on the reception desk of each session room 30 minutes before their presentation at the latest.
< Presentation time >
Invited Lecture: Presentation 35min, Discussion 5min, Total 40min
Contributed Paper: Presentation 15min, Discussion 5min, Total 20min
Poster presentation
When presenters arrive at the reception desk of the room for poster presentation, they receive a pointing stick and pushpins. Please mount their posters on the assigned poster board with each presentation number.
After their presentation, return the pointing stick and pushpins to the reception desk of the room for poster presentation.
All the posters should be displayed on board from mounting posters time through removing posters time.
Poster presenters are kindly requested to stay in front of the poster at least during the obligation time for presentation and discussion.
< Presentation time >
9:00-12:30 Mounting Posters
12:30-13:45 Obligation time for Group "a"
13:45-14:00 Obligation time for Group "b"
14:00-16:20 Display Posters
16:20-17:00 Removing Posters
IPC2023 Poster Award
Presenters ("Active" and "Student") of a poster aged 36 or under as of April 1, 2023 are able to apply for Poster Award. To apply for poster award, presenters are required to register in Step 3 (Apply for Presentation).
The selection for Poster Award will be done twice.
- Primary selection: Preprint manuscript submitted.
- Secondary selection: Presentation on the day.
Winners will be announced on the IPC2023 website in August.
IPC2023 Poster Award by The society of Polymer Society, Japan (SPSJ)
IPC2023 Poster Award: Aggregate Award - sponsored by Wiley
IPC2023 Poster Award: Materials Horizons Award - sponsored by The Royal Society of Chemistry
IPC2023 Poster Award: Materials Chemistry Frontiers Award - sponsored by The Royal Society of Chemistry
IPC2023 Poster Award: Polymer Chemistry Award - sponsored by The Royal Society of Chemistry
IPC2023 Poster Award: Polymer Journal Award - sponsored by Springer Nature
IPC2023 Poster Award: Polymer Degradation & Stability Award - sponsored by Elsevier
IPC2023 Poster Award: ACS Polymers Au Award - sponsored by ACS Publications
IPC2023 Poster Award: Macromolecules Award - sponsored by ACS Publications
IPC2023 Poster Award: Langmuir Award - sponsored by ACS Publications
IPC2023 Poster Award: ACS Applied Polymer Materials Award - sponsored by ACS Publications
IPC2023 Poster Award: ACS Macro Letters Award - sponsored by ACS Publications
IPC2023 Poster Award: Biomacromolecules Award - sponsored by ACS Publications
Important Notice
* SPSJ shall accept your submission to IPC2023 after confirmation of your registration and payment of registration fee.
* SPSJ shall not accept your submission after deadline of submission under any circumstances.
* When you will neither participate in IPC2023 nor present on your presentation time based on scientific program, SPSJ will treat your oral/ poster presentation as cancel.
* IPC2023 scientific program and speaker's presentation style will be determined by the organizing committee. The organizing committee will be hold after closing application for presentation. As the oral presentation slots are limited, selected abstracts will be grouped into themed oral or poster sessions by the organizing committee.
Topics (Oral/Poster Presentation)
Topic 1: Polymer Synthesis and Reactions
Keywords: Polymer synthesis, Controlled/living polymerization, Stereospecific polymerization, Sequence control, Polymerization catalysts, Polymerization mechanism, Polymer reaction, Polymer architecture
Topic 2: Supramolecular Polymers
Keywords: Self-assembly, Supermolecules, Supramolecular polymers, Inclusion, Gels, Liquid crystals, MOF / COF, Nanocarbons, Nanoparticles, 2D polymers, Nanostructured Polymers
Topic 3: Structure and Physical Properties of Polymers
Keywords: Dynamics, Rheology, Diffusion, Mechanical properties, Morphology, X-ray and neutron scattering, Thermal properties, Tribology, Melts, Solutions, Crystals, Glasses, Gels, Elastomers, Polymer blends, Liquid crystals, Thin films, Self-assembly
Topic 4: Polymer Surface and Interface
Keywords: Precision design and synthesis, Grafting, Aggregation states, Physical properties, Dynamics, Advanced analysis, Structure analysis (GISAXS, GIWAXS, AFM), Adhesion, Thin films, Patterning, Energy conversion, Wetting, Stimulus-responsive, Biomimetics
Topic 5: Polymer Simulation and Informatics
Keywords: Full atomistic MD, Coarse-grained MD, Mean field, SCF, Machine learning, Entanglement, Modeling, Deep learning, Polymer informatics, Process informatics, Database, Big data, Virtual experiment, Structure-property relationship, Materials design, Data driven science, Data analysis
Topic 6: Polymer Hybrid and Composite Materials
Keywords: Inorganic polymers, Organic-inorganic hybrids, Nano-composites, Porous materials, Element-block materials, High performance polymers, Advanced materials for industrial applications, Hetero-atom containing polymer, Nanostructured materials, Polymer blends, Metal containing hybrid materials
Topic 7: Polymer Processing
Keywords: Synthesis and Processing Techniques, Nano and micro-structures, Fiber, Film, Imprinting, Compatibilization, Electrospinning, Extrusion, 3D printing, Molding, Foaming, Irradiation, Plasticizer, Recycling, Separation Techniques, Manufacturing
Topic 8: Polymers for Optics, Electronics and Energy
Keywords: Organic semiconductors, Electronic materials, Optical/luminescent materials, Photovoltaics/Solar cells, Batteries, Fuel cells, Energy harvesting, Energy storage / conversion, Thermoelectrics
Topic 9: Sustainable Polymers
Keywords: Bio-based polymers, Biodegradable polymers, Bio-inspired materials, Green catalysts, Green materials, Green synthesis, Recycle, Renewable resources, Self-healing materials, Sustainability
Topic 10: Bio-functional and Biomedical Polymers
Keywords: Biomaterial, Drug delivery system, Diagnosis, Biosensing, Bioimaging, Tissue engineering, Nanomedicine, Bio-interface, Cell manipulation, Biomimetics, Bioinspired material