Home > Call for Papers
Important Dates
<For Presenters>
January 9 10:00am (Japan Standard Time) on Friday, January 24, 2025: Short Abstract Submission, Registration and Payment Deadlines
March 13, 2025 - April 3, 2025: One-page Abstract (PDF format) Submission
* Notice: For COAUTHORS and ATTENDEES except presenters, registration will open from March 19, 2025.
Instruction for Presenters
Step 1. Registration
Each presenter must register before abstract submission. Please acquire a registration number (PPC-****) by regstering.
Step 2. Payment
Please pay registration fee by January 9 10:00am (JST) on Friday, January 24, 2025 2025. Payment of registration fee is required for each presenter.
<Abstract Submission>
Step 3. Short Abstract Submission
After registration number (PPC-****) acquisition, please register your presentation information and short abstract within 50-70 words.
* The number of presentations per person for PPC19 is limited to only one.
Step 4. One-page Abstract Submission
Please upload your one-page abstract between March 13, 2025 and April 3, 2025.
Poster Award
"Student" poster presenters are able to apply for a Poster Award. To apply for the poster award, presenters are required to register in Step 3 (Short Abstract Submission).
Important Notice
* The organizing committee of PPC19 shall accept your presentation to PPC19 after confirmation of your payment of registration fee.
* The committee shall not accept your submission after the deadline under any circumstances.
* If you choose not to present your paper at the time shown on the scientific program, the committee will treat your oral/poster presentation as a withdrawal.
* PPC19 scientific program and speaker's presentation style will be determined by the PPC19 organizing committee. The committee will hold a meeting to make the determination after the deadline after closing application for presentation. As the oral presentation slots are limited, selected abstracts will be grouped into themed oral or poster sessions by the organizing committee.
* The number of presentations per person for PPC19 is limited to only one.
* The copyright of the one-page abstract that presenter submitted will transfer to the Society of Polymer Science, Japan.
Sessions (Oral/Poster Presentation)
General Sessions
G-1 Polymer Synthesis and Reactions
Keywords: Controlled/living polymerization, Stereospecific polymerization, Sequence-controlled polymers, Polymerization catalysts, Polymer architectures, Post-polymerization modification, Discrete polymers, Conjugated polymers
G-2 Supramolecular Polymers and Self-assembly of Polymers
Keywords: Supramolecular interactions, Self-assemblies, Supramolecules, Inclusion complexes, Metal complex in supramolecular polymers, Liquid crystals, Topological polymers, MOF/COF, Nanocarbons, Nanoparticles, 2D polymers, Nanostructured polymers
G-3 Structure and Physical Properties of Polymers
Keywords: Polymer conformation, Polymeric liquids, Amorphous polymers, Polymer crystals, Polymer solutions, Polymer alloys, Network polymers, Polymers with unique architectures, Chain dynamics, Relaxation processes, Mechanical properties, Thermal properties, Polymer thermodynamics, Polymer rheology, Novel polymer characterization techniques, Polymer liquid crystals
G-4 Polymer Surface and Interface
Keywords: Precision design and synthesis, Surface modification, Structures and dynamics in thin films, Wetting, Adhesion, Interfacial effect on material functions, Surface and interfacial sensitive analysis
G-5 Polymer Simulation and Informatics
Keywords: Molecular simulations, Coarse-grained simulations, Process simulations, Theoretical modeling, Informatics, Machine learning, Data-driven approaches
G-6 Polymer Hybrid and Composite Materials
Keywords: Inorganic polymers, Organic-inorganic hybrids, Nano-composites, Porous materials, Hetero-atom containing polymer, Nanostructured materials, Polymer blends, Biomineralization
G-7 Polymer Processing, Engineering, 3D Printing
Keywords: Synthesis and processing techniques, Nano and micro-structures, Polymer blends, Fibers, Films, Imprinting, Compatibilization, Electrospinning, Extrusion, 3D printing, Molding, Foaming, Coating, Recycling, Separation techniques, Manufacturing, Rheology
G-8 Polymers for Optics, Electronics and Energy
Keywords: Organic semiconductors, Electronic materials, Optical/luminescent materials, Photovoltaics/solar cells, Batteries, Fuel cells, Energy harvesting, Energy storage/conversion, Thermoelectrics
G-9 Bio-functional and Biomedical Polymers
Keywords: Drug delivery system (DDS), Bioineterface, Nanomedicine, Natural polymers (Nucleic acids, Proteins, Saccharide), Hydrogels
Special Sessions
S-1 Polymers for Sustainability and Environment
Keywords: Bio-based polymers, Biodegradable polymers, Bio-inspired materials, Green catalysts, Green materials, Green synthesis, Recycle, Renewable resources, Self-healing materials, Sustainability
S-2 Water and Polymers
Keywords: Polymer-water interface, Hydration state analyses, Aquatic functional materials, Dynamics of hydrating water, Ionic polymers, Biocompatible polymers, Water states in polymers, Water-treatment membranes
S-3 Polymer Gels
Keywords: Gel synthesis, Gel structures, Gel properties, Nanogels and microgels, Self-healing gels, Chemomechanical gels, Stimuli-responsive gels, Drug delivery systems, Tissue engineering scaffolds, Supramolecular gels, Organogels, Interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs), Sensors and actuators

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