70th Symposium on Macromolecules

70th Symposium on Macromolecules
This year, we are planning the Symposium on Macromolecules,SPSJ at Tokyo University of Science⇒Online Virtual Meeting, for 3 days. September 1-3rd⇒September 6-8th, 2021. Annually, the researcher and the engineer of the polymer science, presents the latest research developments. And also, the policy of holding is offering the place where can be communicate mutually and closely.
Details will be posted on the website as soon as they are finalized.
PreviewRoom(Webex) for Oral Presentation
PreviewRoom URLhttps://spsj.my.webex.com/spsj.my/j.php?MTID=ma72a78eb71ad4da2f2fa56c9433820a0
PreviewRoom Meeting ID 170 381 1000
PreviewRoom Password 70thspsjpre
・9/6(月) 9:30-18:00
・9/7(火) 9:00-18:00
・9/8(水) 9:00-18:00
Preprints were published
When a participation registration number and a password are input, a reservation participation registrant can read.WEB Preprints
Online test
・RemoPosterAudienceTest 8/5(thu.)-18(wed.) 10:00-18:00Addition
・RemoPosterAudienceTest 8/21(sat.)-26(thu.) 10:00-18:00
Meeting URL
Remo Guide
・RemoPosterPresenterTest 8/27(fri.)-9/1(wed.) 10:00-18:00
Meeting URL
・WebexOralPresenterTest 8/25(wed.)-8/31(tue.) 10:00-28:00 Meeting URL
If you are an audience member and want to test your "Webex Meeting", please use Webex Oral Presenter Test.
Poster presentation JPEG file submission
Participants will be able to view the poster as a supplementary document even if they are not able to view it during the presentation at Remo. (Poster award judges will also be referred to.)The exhibition will be open to the public only from Monday, September 6 to Wednesday, September 8 during the meeting.
Only those who have logged in from the Web Proceedings (those who have registered to participate) will be able to view them.
In order to avoid secondary use,the compressed JPEG files will be used as posters for viewing.
Presenters can download their own compressed JPEG files before the meeting and have to use them when presenting at Remo.
Monday, August 23, 10:00 - Wednesday, August 25, 9:00 Deadline
Log in to the presentation application site and submit.
a) One JPEG file of A0 size(Resolution 96dpi)
b) File size should not exceed 3 Mbytes
c) Please include the presentation number before the title.
In addition, please write "70th Symposium on Macromolecules" in the footer.
(If the material is leaked, we will know at which conference the presentation was given.
[Download your own files after conversion]
September 2 (Thu.) 10:00 - September 3 (Fri.) 17:00
Log in to the presentation application site to view the materials uploaded as replacements and save them to your own PC.
You must use a download file for your presentation at Remo, you need to do this download.
Audience registration is now open.(-8/12)
We will not be accepting registration during the meeting this time.
Submission of manuscript is now open.(-7/7)
ONLINE Symposium: SPSJ has decided to hold 70th Symposium on Macromolecules as the online symposium from September 6 to 8 due to COVID-19.
The new schedule will be posted here.
Events on the day -coming soon-
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 PM.
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2021
 ⇒Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Place: Katsushika Shokudo 2nd floor, Katsushika Campus, Tokyo University of Science
Price: ¥8,000-
Banquet will be virtual meeting using Remo with discussion.
Remo Guide for Audience
Chair Kohzo ITO(The Univ. of Tokyo) |
Vice Chair Akihiko KIKUCHI(Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) |
Members Hiroyuki AOKI(JAEA) Naoki AZUMA(PS Japan) Takashi ISHIZONE(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) hiroki UEHARA(Gunma Univ.) Yoshihiro UOZU(Mitsubishi Chemical) Kenichi OYAIZU(Waseda Univ.) Masao KAMIMURA(Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) Masashi KIJIMA(Univ. of Tsukuba) Motoyasu KOBAYASHI(Kogakuin Univ.) Takamasa SAKAI(The Univ. of Tokyo) Kazuki SADA(Hokkaido Univ.) Kotaro SATOH(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Madoka TAKAI(The Univ. of Tokyo) Ikuyoshi TOMITA(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Yoichi TOMINAGA(Tokyo Univ. Agri. Tech.) Masanobu NAITO(NIMS) Yukio NAGASAKI(Univ. of Tsukuba) Takashi NISHINO(Kobe Univ.) Naruhiko MASHITA(Bridgestone) Koji MATSUOKA(Saitama Univ.) Hiroshi MORITA(AIST) Yohei YAMAMOTO(Univ. of Tsukuba) Hideaki YOKOYAMA(The Univ. of Tokyo) |
Preprints date of issue
August 18, 2021 Preprints will be published.Terms & Conditions
This Agreement ("Agreement") is between the individual ("Participant") using the web system on the 70th Symposium on Macromolecules and the Society Polymer Science, Japan(“SPSJ”).
Please read this Agreement carefully before participation in the web symposium.
If Participant does not agree with the terms of this Agreement, Participant cannot participate in the web symposium.
Terms & Conditions