70th Symposium on Macromolecules

All presentations will be made via the online conferencing system. Presentations and questions and answers will be given in real time.
Presenters must perform connection tests and presentation exercises during the test period.
Oral Presentation
How to Online Presentation
Oral Presentation will be virtual meeting using Webex Meetings with discussion. Presentation time is for 25 minutes. (including 9 minutes for question-and-answer session and 1 minutes to prepare). Your presentation may be cut off before finished in case it is over 25 minutes. finish question-and-answer session.Cisco Webex
Webex Help Center
Cisco Webex Test online meeting
※Updated on August 16
The Webex Meeting Guide is published below, please be sure to check who will participate.(Presenter, Presiding, Audience, Staff)
1.Webex Meeting Simple Guide
2.Webex Meeting Set ParticipantName
3.Webex Meeting Guide for Presenter
4.Webex Meeting Guide for Audience
Poster Presentation
How to Poster Presentation
Poster Presentation will be virtual meeting using Remo with discussion. Presenters will be requested to poster file.We will prepare to Presentation Guidelines.
remo Help Center
Check Remo system on your devices using following URL
※Updated on August 3
Remo Poster Guide-new-
Online test
・RemoPosterAudienceTest 8/5(thu.)-18(wed.) 10:00-18:00※Updated on August 25
・RemoPosterAudienceTest 8/21(sat.)-26(thu.) 10:00-18:00 Meeting URL
・RemoPosterPresenterTest 8/27(fri.)-9/1(wed.) 10:00-18:00
Meeting URL
※Updated on August 16
・WebexOralPresenterTest 8/25(wed.)-8/31(tue.) 10:00-28:00 Meeting URL
If you are an audience member and want to test your "Webex Meeting", please use Webex Oral Presenter Test.
Poster presentation JPEG file submission
Participants will be able to view the poster as a supplementary document even if they are not able to view it during the presentation at Remo. (Poster award judges will also be referred to.)The exhibition will be open to the public only from Monday, September 6 to Wednesday, September 8 during the meeting.
Only those who have logged in from the Web Proceedings (those who have registered to participate) will be able to view them.
In order to avoid secondary use,the compressed JPEG files will be used as posters for viewing.
Presenters can download their own compressed JPEG files before the meeting and have to use them when presenting at Remo.
Monday, August 23, 10:00 - Wednesday, August 25, 9:00 Deadline
Log in to the presentation application site and submit.
a) One JPEG file of A0 size(Resolution 96dpi)
b) File size should not exceed 3 Mbytes
c) Please include the presentation number before the title.
In addition, please write "70th Symposium on Macromolecules" in the footer.
(If the material is leaked, we will know at which conference the presentation was given.
[Download your own files after conversion]
September 2 (Thu.) 10:00 - September 3 (Fri.) 17:00
Log in to the presentation application site to view the materials uploaded as replacements and save them to your own PC.
You must use a download file for your presentation at Remo, You are not allowed to use your own materials.
Dear Presenter
When a presenter (direction which carries out a presentation) is changed, please coincide the statement of a manuscript, and the input of WEB after decision at the time of manuscript contribution. Preprints were publishd as you inputted. If a presenter becomes change or withdraw after it, please be sure to inform us by e-mail until Fri., August 13.When the presenter on the day from preprints differ, we publishes for the hall notice and later at Web site etc.