70th Symposium on Macromolecules

Submission of Manuscript
Term : 10:00 July 1, - 15:00 July 7
Please registration ahead of time, beause congestion is expected near by deadline. Instructions to prepare your paper as bellow. Please submit by electronically through the same WEB you have registered for your presentation.
File format and Size
The Manuscript should be 1 sheet or 2 sheets(differ your presentation type) in limited Japanese A4(210mm wide x 297mm high) size by PDF file.Please leave a margin of 25mm on the top, bottom, right and leftside of the file.
It means your abstract will be shown in 160mm wide X 247mm high. The abstract will be appeared in color.
・PDF file version should be over Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0. It must be under 1.0M.
・ The file must be named 「your number.pdf」.Do not cut off an extension(.pdf).
・ Choose Security for your PDF file “NON”.
・ Please bury the "font".
・ The file must be named 「your number.pdf」.Do not cut off an extension(.pdf).
・ Choose Security for your PDF file “NON”.
・ Please bury the "font".
Sample & Template
Selected Topics and Oral Presentation for General Topics | ||
2sheets | Sample(PDF) | Template(WORD) |
Poster Presentation for General Topics | ||
1sheet | Sample(PDF) | Template(WORD) |
Layout for Manuscript
a) | (1) a title (2) Authors (affilation and address) (3) Phone and Facsimile number, E-mail address (4) the text Please describe from (1) to (4) in order. Please the author must describe by the full name without fail and put the under line in the speaker. It isn't necessary to write Key words in a manuscript, you can input on WEB site. |
b) | Please use font type for English either "Times, Times
New Roman, Helvetica, Arial, Symbol, Century". The title should be 12 points and placed in the center, other texts should be 10 points. |
c) | All explanation of illustrations , graghs or photos must be indicated in English. It is recommended to make photos or images around 300dpi. |
d) | It is recommended your manusucript consisted of [INTRODUCTION],[EXPERIMENTAL], [RESULTS AND DISCUSSION]and[REFERENCES] |
e) | Do not descrive your presentation number in your manusucript. The number will be shown in the upper corner in your manusucript in WEB Preprints by SPSJ. |
Method of Electronic Contribution of Manuscript
Term : 10:00 July 1, - 15:00 July 7
Make your Manuscript with PDF files,and send to us by Electronic contribution, not by E-mail. Please contribute your Manuscript before the deadline that is Japan standard time.
When the contents of application differ from a manuscript, please change the contents of application according to a manuscript. These contents of registration are reflected in the collection of drafts.
The Web site of eletric contribution will not be able to access after July 7., PM3:00. You can retrieve your manuscript and other information(Author Afflication,Author name,Keywords,Abstruct,etc...) at anytime before the deadline.
If your PDF file is not A4 (210mm wide x 297mm high) or Sheets diffrents, Submitting will serve as an error. Please, Check your Paper size and manuscript number of sheets.